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The Feminization of Race « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Feminization of Race

December 8, 2009


There have been heated discussions at this site about race in recent days. Some women find this puzzling. Isn’t this website largely about the defense of home and family? What does race have to do with it? The truth is, the issue of race is related to domestic concerns and these discussions are by no means accidental. They are consistent with the desire to fight feminism and preserve the home front.

Home and family depend not just on women, but on men. Nature has endowed men with the role of protection. That includes protection of family, but also of nation, ethnic group, and race. To say that this form of aggression is natural in men is not to say that it is good. Defense of race, tribe, and nation are only justified when any of these are threatened. Aggression is good only when it protects something vital, something that cannot be maintained through harmony and conciliation.

The belief by women that men – men of all races – can be stripped of these concerns is profoundly disturbing and essentially feminist. This anti-male notion, the fall-out from a wider set of ideas that scorns all natural distinctions and inequalities, is strikingly prevalent among Western women. But nature has apparently endowed all women to some degree with the desire for pacification. The habit of downplaying group connections and differences beyond those of immediate family seems deeply ingrained in women. As noted by two male commenters yesterday, this may extend from ancient survival instincts, an artifact of the days when women had to adjust to raids from enemy invaders by living peacefully with these enemies.

The effort to emasculate men, particularly white men, has been widely successful. Many men now agree with women that anything short of complete submission to or denial of racial hostility is wrong. This feminization of racial attitudes in the West comes at a time of pronounced racial aggression, both subtle and overt. When this aggression is clearly dangerous, when it seeks to destroy what is good, to demoralize and seize scarce resources, the effort by women to stand in the way of men, to chide and belittle them for their racial awareness, is wrong. It is disrespectful, insensitive and just plain foolish. Along with all else that seeks to rob us of domestic tranquility and to overturn the well-being of our children, I passionately condemn it.


Terry writes:

I think your observations on the successful emasculation of white men has a bit of merit. Of course, just as I believe that the pathologies that grip the black community are our own fault [For clarification, Terry is black] and that the blame lies at our own front door (not my personal front door as we are very religious, politically conservative, stable and intact family), the same could be said for the emasculation of white men. The blame lies with the men who have allowed themselves to be emasculated. White men still rule the majority of governments and judgeships in the United States. Why have they allowed feminist white women, their “own women”, to emasculate them?

Laura writes:

Excellent point.

Terry continues:

Still, I fail to see the connection between the reality that men in general (as a whole) have sinfully abdicated their God-given roles and that of ethnicity. And I am particularly offended by those who would call Christians with a Biblical perspective on love of fellow human beings stupidly sentimental. On the contrary, I do not believe I serve a mushy, emasculated Savior who accepts anyone in whatever state they choose to live in, does not recognize enemies and is tolerant of any and all behavior. I believe when Christ returns He will do so in power, in majesty, and as a judge. Wielding a sword of judgement against His enemies. I do not believe we are to be tolerant of feminism. It is a scourge. However, we are not to view fellow human beings as enemies and we are not to fight our battles against one another on the basis of skin color. 

Deal with criminals on the basis of their criminal behavior, not their skin color. Deal with people such as liberals who are bent on destroying Western values on the basis of their evil intent, not on skin color. If you did that, the logic currently being espoused here would quickly break down. The current administration is chock full of white men who have made it their lifelong mission to institute a socialist utopia- students of Marx, Mao, and Saul Alinsky. These are Ivy League, left-wing, white folk that are bent on bringing America down to the level of other nations using the tactic of redistributing wealth, not your average black person. Minorities are viewed as the supposed beneficiaries of these evil tactics, but if this agenda is allowed to unfold, we will all, white and black, suffer. That the current commander-in-chief happens to have brown skin is a side note. It is a distraction from the matter at hand. It saddens me that Americans have been dumbed down to the point that we can’t separate the minutiae from the big picture. Frankly, I believe it is the judgement of God in response to a people who have become entertainment saturated, immoral, and lazy. That these tendencies have infiltrated the church is major component in the breakdown of true manhood. Again, sin lies at the door, but it so much easier to demonize people and point the finger at this race or that.

Terry continues:

Further, and I am not speaking of you specifically Laura, but the sick and ungodly self-importance I read in the tone of some of the male commenters is frankly funny if it weren’t so tragic. To think that men who marry women of other races have some hidden self-satisfaction that they have picked off one of a woman “that belongs to another tribe.” Who makes a lifelong commitment thinking such foolishness, particularly given that our unbalanced court system will leave any man, of any race, financially ruined if the marriage doesn’t work out, and he will likely lose his kids?\

Jeff writes:

Hurrah for Terry; not least for calling out the creeper who stares at teenage white girls and assumes that their discomfort is because they were cavorting with a black. I hope that you and your readers are aware that the real issue is not race but defense against Islam; and that your focus on minutiae (as Terry put it) is foolish because it weakens.

Laura writes:

There was nothing creepy or sexual about M.’s reaction to the group of teenagers. Nor do I think it was sick or ungodly. It was fatherly.

The “real issue” is not race or Islam, but submission by the people of the West to those who wish to destroy our traditions and culture.

Kimberly writes:

This subject is important. I’ve been trying to belittle my husband, to some extent, on this very thing. He has always been extra jealous and angry when there has been any suspicion that I might be attracted to a black man. He is paranoid. I’ve never been interested in black men. Not because I couldn’t be, but I haven’t known any that didn’t act white, which made them “conquered,” so to speak, and I’m not ashamed to say that I am simply attracted to dominance. I think all females feel drawn to the “alpha male”, and I definitely found mine. But I’m realizing more ways all the time in which our country has raised me a feminist, making my life bitterly painful, at times. My husband simply does not put up with it, and the humility I’ve been forced to muster up in order to save our marriage goes against every American vein in me. But support from good women like you is not so scarce as I believed it to be when I first ventured out to be a good, submissive wife. And I’m glad I kept my virtue of hope, trusting God to provide us the graces needed to grow and change, to overcome these dividing faults through love and mostly humility, that virtue that conquers blinding pride. Pray for me, that I keep these virtues.

I realize now the mistake I’ve been making was one that gets on my nerves when applied to men vs. women: All men and women are created equally, but not the same. Take out “and women,” and it still makes sense. I knew instinctively that my husband’s disgust for white women who like black men is natural, and innocent. He has an admirable personality that seems to draw people of different races to him. Black people like him, specifically because he doesn’t trust them. And he respects when they show the same cautious approach. I observed this, but I didn’t understand what he meant by my having “white guilt that any self-respecting black person would not appreciate.”

A part of Robinson Crusoe that I just read has made this thought even more clear to me (I’ve been feeling “shipwrecked” lately as a housewife in Boulder, and with the enthusiastic approval of one of my spiritual directors – I have two- I decided to learn what Laura meant about the parallel between this man’s adventure and my own. I’m loving this book so far!). When Crusoe escapes slavery in Morocco, and goes south with the wind down the coast of Africa, he encounters some “Negroes” at shore. He is uneasy, but wants to communicate with them to see if they are kind enough to bring him food and fresh water. They are. But they don’t trust him, and he doesn’t trust them. So they work out a compromise: They leave the food and water on the shore, and go off a long distance. He then goes to get it, and quickly gets back in his boat and off to the water again. He wishes he could repay them, and is grateful when “Providence” sends him the chance. Two leopards come wildly on a chase down the beach and into the water, and the people are terrified. Crusoe shoots one, a big, beautiful creature, and the other runs away in fear. The “Negroes” pull the dead leopard to shore, and cheer. They thank Crusoe, and offer him some of the leopard’s flesh to eat, but he doesn’t want to eat it. He does ask for the skin, which they pull off with a sharp piece of wood, better than Crusoe could have with a knife, he notes. And so there you see that natural instinct between men, not to trust each other, but to respect each other, and even offer their help, when needed.

I would like to take this debate even deeper, maybe. I’m really not sure where this will make it go. But it’s got me thinking about my husband’s racial pride. You see, his mother is Irish, and his Father is Sicilian, yet if you call him Irish, he is insulted. He’s extremely proud to be Sicilian. I’ve also noticed that he’s annoyed with the fact that our sons have my Russian blood. He repects Russians, as the men are tough men in general. But he wants his boys to be HIS. And I think that I’m not offended by that anymore. I want to encourage his manliness. Of course, I don’t want him to raise our boys with admiration for the mafia. But I think if I support him in teaching them they are Sicilian, he will do it in a way that I approve of. Their last name is and sounds Sicilian, after all. And they are boys, who will be men, and should look to their father for that strength. Not to me. I think that must be what he himself has done, as he has no prejudice toward the Irish, save that they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day here in America, but not St. Joseph’s Day. He is his father’s son!

I am concerned, however, about our older son. He has green eyes and blonde hair, like me! How are people going to react if he tells them he’s Sicilian? And could this create rivalry between he and his little dark, brown-eyed brother? I’m worried that it could. So I’m glad this all came up, because my husband and I need to talk about these things! I’ll let you know when we do, what we decide. I’m thinking we’ll teach them to call themselves Italian, since my father-in-law uses that name, too. He divorced the Irish woman and is now married to an Italian woman, and his own mother was Italian, his father Sicilian. So I guess those are close enough to call the same!

Anyway, thank you for bringing this awesome truth to light! There is nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t understand why everyone is so uneasy about it. Take your blog off-line?! Ahhhhhhh! Yikes is right! That would really bum me out.

James M. writes:

Terry wrote: “To think that men who marry women of other races have some hidden self-satisfaction that they have picked off one of a woman ‘that belongs to another tribe.'”

I find it incredible that Terry would deny the reality of this phenomenon. The black comedian Dave Chappelle makes jokes which gloat over the capture of white women by black men at every opportunity. I’d say these jokes are intended to resonate with a large segment of Chappelle’s audience, whom he is well-attuned to.

Terry writes:

I would like to ask James M. to pardon me for not taking my cues on human nature from a liberal, foul-mouthed comedian. Most liberals are what I like to call soft, condescending racists anyway, who think everything is about race and class. I will not draw any credible opinion from Dave Chappelle. 

As for Kimberly’s comments, I have said this before, but we need to own up to the ungodliness of our thoughts and actions. I’m sure her husband may be a good man, but a dominant personality is not defined by harboring racist tendencies. I too am married to a very strong man, who I believe God has used to keep me “in check” and keep me from giving in to my worse female tendencies. As a Christian, he simply doesn’t consider racial superiority as compatible with a man who would call himself a servant of the God who created all men, (dare I say it?) equal.

Mrs. E. writes:

If James M. is correct about Dave Chappelle’s brand of comedy, I say this: it sounds equally bad no matter the race of the man who says or thinks along these lines, from any angle. I think it sounds chauvinistic and that the man thinks of women as some sort of “property,” rather than as a unique individual. As a woman, I find this thinking offensive, and a detriment to healthy relationships between the sexes. The phenomena may in fact be “real,” but that doesn’t mean it is healthy.

Kimberly writes:

I don’t understand what is “ungodly” about stating the truth. I think I made it very clear that I believe (along with my husband) that all men are created equally. The fact is, we are different. And there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that, and having a sense of sacred respect for our own bloodline. In fact, I’d say it’s worth encouraging this sacred respect in our husbands because it’s a manly, noble trait, that will only breed a deeper respect for other races, having a sense of security about oneself.

My husband is not racist. He has lived in many different places from Long Beach to L.A. and has made many black friends. Here in Boulder, one of his closest friends is a man with a black father and a white mother. My husband has the highest respect for him, and because he is of good character, my husband trusts him. But, say my husband had to leave me for a week in a dangerous situation with one of his friends. He would leave me with Bernardo or T. Romano, before leaving me with this black friend. Not because he’s of a lesser character, but because there is a brotherly trust between the Italians. They feel similar, and comfortable around each other. In fact, T. Romano is known for being a “jerk,” but my husband says he’s really just completely misunderstood by people. He’s a great guy with a heart of gold!

The man with the black father and white mother that I mentioned – he is extremely sensitive about racial remarks. We suspect it’s because people have given his parents so much trouble for being an interracial couple, but we don’t know for certain. In any case, my husband appreciated something this man did. One of their students was joking around with my husband, speaking in a New York accent and calling him “Boss.” My husband is used to this sort of thing, and since he’s “not allowed” to say it’s inappropriate, being a white man in America, he didn’t say anything. But his black friend was mad!

“Excuse me, what was that? Was that a racial remark?” he said, angrily.

“Sorry, Coach,” was the response.

Now why is it okay for a black man to speak up, and not okay for my husband to show the profound respect he has for his own people? In fact, since I’ve been married to him, I have noticed so many “bad guy” cartoon characters with Italian accents and names, and seen such a strange form of fearful, yet disrespectful prejudice for Italians, it’s ridiculous. Why do we put up with it with a dishonest smile? Because nobody is willing to be mistakenly called “racist.” Racial hate is disgusting. Who wants to be accused of that? Not me! And so I will say it again!

I respect all races and believe God loves each of them equally. I believe He gave each race their distinctive qualities because these define their beauty, and He loves this beauty. I believe He intended us to have loyalty to family, because He in Himself, is Family. He is the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit (who Biblically is given many maternal characteristics). How can we deny that our own immediate families are sacred, and worthy of preservation? Why does that make people automatically assume we should hate every other race? We are all one family, but our beauty and our survival depend on our differences.

Love conquers all, and if two people are in love, they should not have to worry about being different colors. But that is not the point I am arguing against. I’m saying that white men need to be supported in their masculinity, just as the black men have been. 


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