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The Heel, the Serpent and the Housewife « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Heel, the Serpent and the Housewife

December 8, 2009


In this entry on marriage, race, and civilization, Kimberly, the preternaturally wise young mother, offers this advice to a man who says the war for traditionalism is lost:

Like St. Augustine, I think he believes that the truth must be quite complex, beyond the reach of the common mind, and so he feels alone, and that would terrify anyone! But the truth is not complex. It is so simple, one must be very humble to understand it. His pride is blinding him, and in anxiety, he’s banging on your door…

Do you know who the army is? I’ll bet you do. It’s us. St. Louis de Montfort revealed this to me, I believe, but I’m no authority, so don’t bet your soul on it. It’s just my opinion. The way he describes the army that the Lord is building, it would make any housewife feel strong! The army is the heel of the Woman who is the Arc of the Covenant, the heel that “crushes the head of the serpent.” This heel is unnoticed, unappreciated, and trodden upon.

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