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Economic Decline and Feminism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Economic Decline and Feminism

January 26, 2010


Again and again we are told the past is over. The modern economy is no longer dependent on traditional sex roles. The influx of women into formerly male jobs is an economic necessity and a sign of progress.

This is a myth. The exact opposite is true. Sexual egalitarianism is hurting us economically. See this article at The Spearhead, which argues that corporations grow less healthy the more women take over management:

Supporting this hypothesis, research at the London School of Economics showed that companies with higher ratios of female boardmembers have poorer financial performance. The research points out that, while women do their jobs very well, they tend to take on corporate governance roles that stifle growth. The females not only bring their singular risk-averse vote, their influence decreases the risk-taking of other members of the board.

Fitzgerald, who sent the above article, writes:

 A crack up is coming as the economic dynamism that built this country and permitted the rise of feminism is now being stifled by it.

The increasing proliferation of women throughout the workforce is feminizing the corporate landscape and changing the culture of innovation and masculine risk-taking. I can assert this fact demonstrably in the company for which I work. Women are pushing forward ever increasing levels of bureaucratization to limit risk and force “equality” and “fairness.”  Dynamism is being smothered by women attempting to protect and solidify a secure corporate environment. Ultimately this crusade by women will fail as we live in an unpredictable and risky world.

The Spearhead article linked above is particularly ominous. I’m seeing this take place before my very eyes. Men are the risk-takers, women almost universally avoid risk. The old mantra that women crave security is largely true. Innovation requires risk taking, something women are, at the very least, reticent to entertain. Great companies and breakthrough innovations often have arisen from men putting their entire life savings, their house, car, etc. on the line, even losing it all before achieving success. Women rarely ever are willing to make these choices and a consequence our country is economically suffering. 

Look at what has taken place in governance once women had the vote. First we had prohibition, then increasingly more grandiose government funded safety nets being to somehow protect and insulate people from risk and tragedy. This never would have happened had only men been the voting class.  The majority of women are agitating for more equality, more favors, more protections.. all in a vain attempt to feel secure. In reality, no real security exists in the real world. Relative security can exist in a society which enshrines and protects traditional marriage and sex roles. Men are hard wired to protect and conquer. Tapping into a cultural heritage which in Christianity recognizes the vitality and importance of the women and seeks to protect her and the offspring of these unions is the only way toward happiness in this fallen world.

I foresee women becoming more desperate and frenetic in their vain attempts to square the circle of risk and with their enormous power to force risk averse initiatives and continued government entitlement programs to actualize their dreams of security without the need for men.  This is impossible without a productive, industrious and risk-taking core of men.

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