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Jobs for Men First « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Jobs for Men First

January 28, 2010


Say it to your friends. Say it to your relatives. Say it to your coworkers. “Jobs for Men First.”  Say it loud and clear.

As Tim Allen quipped, men have two choices: go to work or go to jail. The majority of men are either under the burden of supporting others or should be. Women and children need their success. We flourish when they flourish. We applaud their accomplishments and cherish their victories. Yes, these victories benefit us, but that is not the sole, or even the most important reason, for our applause and our belief in the primacy of male accomplishment in the world. The main reason we cheer them on is this. We love them and wish them well.

That’s right. We love them and wish them well. Is that so hard to understand? Jobs for Men First.

Preserve fatherhood and the future of today’s boys. Jobs for Men First.  Preserve camaraderie and focus in our corporate offices. Jobs for Men First. Preserve masculinity and life-giving femininity. Preserve domestic tranquility and order. Preserve our culture. Jobs for Men First.  Shout it from the mountaintops. Your country and its survival depend on it. Jobs for Men First.

As this economic downturn has reminded us, jobs are a limited resource. There will always be working women and I am not advocating the banishment of women from paid work at all. But feminism was based on the faulty premise that our economies are ever-expanding and that women do not thrive and depend upon male success even when jobs are opened to women. Highly-paid women want to marry even more highly-paid men.

Being male should not in and of itself be a job qualification. But all other qualifications being equal,  being male, especially a married male, should be an extra credential. Here is an excellent piece in The Spearhead eviscerating the insidious and oft repeated claim that the influx of vast numbers of women into the workforce has been a positive thing. Perhaps The Spearhead will banish crude misogynists from its comments threads so that pieces like this have greater influence and credibility. 


                        — Comments —

Fitzgerald writes:

Here’s another interesting piece. [Fitzgerald also sent The Spearhead article above.] I love this comment in the thread:

“Feminism was always a creepy form of Marxism in drag, most aggressively championed by tragically unhappy lesbians, and which like most 20th century “isms” has made modern life worse. Men and women aren’t ‘equal’ and cannot be made so, gender is not a social construct, and the traditional Western nuclear family has shown its clear superiority over all alternative arrangements.

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of feminist propaganda was in convincing women that becoming wage slaves was somehow more fulfilling than being at home with children. That hasn’t proved to be a great deal for women, but it has proven very effective in eviscerating birth rates among white Westerners, so that on present trends whites will decline to minority status in the UK before this century is out. Ironically, the more Islamic and African societies that replace what we think of as the secular, liberal West will have no use for feminism.” 

Another commenter proposes the radical feminists apparatchiks be nominated for the Order of Lenin. How true. I nominate Mary Daily and Molly Yard for starters. Hanoi Jane, whom I’m not fonda, should be included as well.

Lisa writes:

“The main reason we cheer them on is this. We love them and wish them well.

That’s right. We love them and wish them well. Is that so hard to understand? Jobs for Men First.”

Brilliant! I love it! “Is that so hard to understand?”!!!!!

Laura writes:

It’s the love that is, as Robert Frost would say, “too sweet to bear.”

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