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Misogyny Unleashed « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Misogyny Unleashed

January 26, 2010


There is plenty of rampant hatred of women on the Internet. The Spearhead is a new men’s online magazine that has interesting articles lambasting feminism. Sad to say, the editors do not keep their commenters from juvenile posturing and vile insults. Misogyny will not cure feminism. Here are some examples from The Spearhead:

Paul: Women are utterly base and contemptible. Every time I think of them I am overwhelmed by the discussed [sic] they stimulate in me. I really do hate them.

Rebel: It’s OK to find women contemptible and to even hate them, but I would like to suggest a more constructive approach. Instead of wasting such good energy, why not take advantage of them. You can turn things around and make them work to your advantage. (refer to my previous post)Why not capitalize instead? Imagination is the magic ingredient: something women lack. So this is where we have the edge.They say there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Firepower: The problem began when women were denied their basic profit urge and prohibited from opening brothels. They’re good at that business.

Toby: Somebody copyright and mass produce this slogan for the Spearhead: “Failure a Bitch”

I find it interesting that the men writing these things do not have the courage to use their real names. So much for firepower and rebellion. Do they speak to their mothers and sisters this way?

                                      — Comments —

Fitzgerald writes:

The Spearhead does indeed tap into a seamy side of things a bit too often. It’s an interesting site from two perspectives. First, there are reasoned, articulate posts; secondly, it’s useful to get a feel of the current zeitgeist among a wide spectrum of common guys, not often with a traditionally-oriented perspective. There is a growing surge of outrage and anger welling up in men from all stripes and much of this is vented in juvenile and misogynistic ways all too often. Not to justify the behavior, although I do understand it and control my public reactions to avoid crass bloviating for carthartic purposes. Others of my sex seem to have much less self-control, are generally crass by nature or frankly, don’t give a damn anymore.

Laura writes:

When I first looked at the site, I thought, “Gee, this is great. Maybe an intelligent men’s movement is possible.” Then I saw Roissy’s name, which is instantly a giveaway that vulgarity and woman-hating is involved. I then looked at the comments. What a disappointment. These comments are as much a part of the content as the main posts. 

Mrs. Pilgrim writes:

The comments sections there…yikes.

Now, don’t get me wrong; the Elusive Wapiti is a great guy whom I know from his own blog and from other blogs. He’s got his head on straight, and is a real gentleman. If you can count people you only know from online as friends, I would count him among mine. I don’t know the other writers there well enough to say whether any of them are truly decent as well, though.

I spent a fair amount of time trying to get them to recognize that their own behaviors were strongly influenced by feminism–the insistence on sitting around crying about their victim status rather than coming up with ways to reverse the trend; the willingness to let women go their own way; and most of all, the fact that they were becoming exactly what the feminists claimed men were (the strawman of the woman-using, woman-hating, sex-supremacist, responsibility-dodging brutes) in order to justify seizing power!

But these commenters didn’t listen. Part of the problem was that I’m a woman (proud of being my husband’s wife), and they wouldn’t receive this from a woman. Part of it is that facet of human nature that treasures victim status because at least it imparts status. Part of it is that they are generally not Christians; they don’t believe in a higher law than their own feelings anymore. When a comments thread wound up with one fellow announcing that he was a rapist, other fellows cheering him on, and only I telling him that his behavior was completely unacceptable, I decided to stop casting pearls before swine.

It’s a perfect example of feminism’s success: a wedge has been driven between most men and most women, while they begin to behave exactly alike…

 Rita writes:

I don’t dare go to The Spearhead website. I spent a few hours last week reading Roissy in DC and it may take me months to recover. Those men are truly vile and I hope and pray that they do not represent the average American man but rather the lonely loser, keyboard commando types I’m picturing. As for Roissy, he can rot. He’s evil incarnate!

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