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More on Romance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Romance

January 23, 2010


Hannon writes in the entry on women and romance:

I would be genuinely shocked if there are many women out there who could feign disinterest on being given these tender attentions. This can be tested in the platonic world also. Try giving a simple flower (not a bouquet) to a woman at work and experience her reaction. The absence of such civilized and kindly gestures– from fear of harassment charges or simply the effects of post-modern autonomy– strips life down to a level that is abnormally disconnected.

I do agree about hands. People speak of foot fetishes, which I don’t understand at all. But a woman’s hands seem to reveal something of the soul. When we speak of “touch” we refer to the hands, not the feet.

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