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Sarah the Feminist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sarah the Feminist

January 23, 2010


Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:

Have you heard about this horrible incident on Oprah yesterday, where Sarah Palin and Oprah discredit Bristol’s brave attempt to reconstruct her life by advocating and practicing abstinence?

It was a terrible moment in modern feminist history.

A young girl tries to go back to traditional (even religious, which I think is Bristol’s confident basis for her choice) principles, and two modern “career” women, one her own mother, shoot her down.

Bristol was brave, uncompromising, and silently suffering.

 Bristol, who has been campaigning for teen sexual abstinence, said on Oprah that she would not have a sexual encounter with a man again until she is married. This statement did not receive the warm approval of her mother, who was also appearing on the show, or Oprah.

Kidist writes in her article:

Oprah resorts to fist-pounding to get the calm and confident Bristol to repeal this horrible thing, and go and have all the premarital sex she needs.

Sarah, on the other hand, goes full-out feminist. She hopes Bristol doesn’t get married too early (in order to break her abstinence), since she has a career and an interesting life to lead. And she comes out with “Bristol can do anything she wants without a man.” Yes, the fish and the bicycle thing, alive and well in an ex-Republican Vice Presidential nominee’s rostrum of thoughts, in the 21st century.

Bristol appears to have real nerve. This is part of her exchange with Oprah:

Oprah asks: I saw in InTouch Magazine, and I kind of bristled when I saw this, where you say “I’m not going to have sex until I’m married, I can guarantee it.” The reason I bristled is why set yourself up that way? It may be ten years from now before you choose to get married…

Bristol answers: Yes, I just think it is a goal to have and other women should have that goal.

You can watch the episode here.

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