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Scott Brown and the Glass Ceiling « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Scott Brown and the Glass Ceiling

January 25, 2010


In the ultimate denial of last week’s victory for Scott Brown in Massachusetts, some liberals are attributing the outcome to bias against women.

The state has already had a female governor (briefly), female lieutenant governors, and four women in the House of Representatives. A woman is currently president of the state senate. But Massachusetts lingers in the dark ages, longstanding prejudice holding women politicians such as Martha Coakley back, according to this story in today’s New York Times. Katie Zezima writes: 

“Welcome to liberal Massachusetts — we’re not,” said Mary Anne Marsh, a Democratic political consultant. “And if you didn’t believe it before, anyone who thinks that Massachusetts is liberal in light of Tuesday’s results need only look at the record and lack of success women have had in Massachusetts politics. That should just put it away for good.”

Brown ran a “macho, testosterone campaign.” Hormones determined the election results.


                                      —- Comments —

Edie Carey writes:

Thank you for the links to the articles on the Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts.

In case you haven’t seen this, here is the link for the interview between two liberals, Chris Matthews & Howard Dean, concerning the crazy conclusions the leadership of the Democratic Party have come to in light of the voters’ choice.

Thank you again for your continued, sane insights into our culture.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

I think there is a book to be written on the Democratic reaction to this election. The Coakley Syndrome might be a new name for mass delusional thinking.


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