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Denied Tenure « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Denied Tenure

February 23, 2010


HERE’S A SURPRISE. Amy Bishop, the woman who murdered three professors at the University of Alabama, did not have adequate credentials to be granted tenure, according to scientists interviewed by the New York Times. Bishop had filed a sex discrimination suit against the university and her failure to win a position as full professor of biology was seen as possible motivation for her crime.

Given her insufficient credentials, the Times wonders why some have rallied around the biologist on Internet forums, depicting her as “a woman in a male-dominated institution in a male-dominated field in a conservative part of the country.” The Times fans the flames of female grievance virtually every day of the week and then innocently asks:

So what is going on? Why did people who knew Dr. Bishop only through reading about her crime make excuses for her?

I wonder. What is going on?

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