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Don’t Tell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Don’t Tell

February 3, 2010


From today’s  New York Times:

The nation’s top two defense officials called Tuesday for an end to the 16-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” law, a major step toward allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the United States military for the first time.


“No matter how I look at the issue, I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens,” Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Obama administration can’t get enough of alienating the American people. If  homosexual activity is openly condoned, other military policies must change as well.

Fiztgerald writes:

Adultery is still considered a serious offence by the military, and although not uniformly enforced, still grounds for prosecution or discharge by authorities. It’s considered wisely by military brass to be highly destructive to troop moral and undermining to overall proper functioning of the military.This will have to go as well since in all practicality the change from “don’t ask don’t tell” must outright condone promiscuous, same sex behavior.

It’s one thing to have a same sex attraction, another to keep it quiet, but altogether another thing to permit active homosexuals to openly serve. This will go off like the well-timed bomb it’s intended to be by activists. Co-ed ships are already known as “Love Boats” with closeted co-eds fornicating with all the incumbent complications that arise from unrestrained sexual license running amok. Yet more men will choose to walk away from the nonsense or never even join once this unrestrained nitwittery is unleashed. The feminists and their cohort of “mangina” males must go along slavishly hostage to the poisonous doctrine of feminism, unwilling or unable to stand against this assault by the homosexual lobby since it would require the open defence of traditional marriage and lifestyles. Yet another unintended consequence of the feminist agenda intruding into and corroding male dominated occupations and society at large. Will the madness ever end?

                                                                     — End of Entry —

Michael S. writes:

The title of Maureen Dowd’s column on the subject is particularly obnoxious.

Lisa writes:

As part of the process of being “allowed” to resign from the Naval Academy, I had to undergo interviews with every naval officer in my chain of command, all the way up to the admiral serving as Superintendant. These men were in hot water if the attrition rate among women or minorities was too high under their command. There was great pressure, for reasons of political gain, to keep us there, and the process was dragged on and on. I remember going into details with them about the problems Fitzgerald addressed above, and they never acknowledged the problems even existed, but only hinted that I had imagined it, or lewd things along that line. Perhaps they feared I would go public, which I had no desire to do. The ONE exception was the Deputy Commandant of Midshipmen, a courteous Marine Corps officer, who looked up at me with sad, knowing, honest eyes, and said, “But what can we do about it?” It about broke my heart, and I was reassured in my mind I was not crazy. The Commandant of Midshipmen, a Navy Captain, seemed torn by what he knew to be true, if even only in the privacy of his own office. I was saddened and surprised to learn of his death just a few months later, since he was a relatively young man. I imagine he could already see all of this coming.

This repeal of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy is just another dirty clump of frozen debris picked up by the filthy, out-of-control monster snowball barreling down the feminist mountain of “public policy” destroying our culture and country. 

N.W. writes:

February 2, 2010 will always hold great significance for me as it was the day that I took the oath of enlistment in the U.S. military. Because of this I find Adm. Mullens comments yesterday especially repugnant. I thank God I’m going infantry in the Marine Corps; the fall out should be minimal, at least in comparison to the rest of the service.

[N.W. sends this article about Marine Corp. Commandant Gen. James T. Conway who is the most outspoken military critic of the proposed open door policy for homosexuals.] 

Laura writes:

Congratulations. All the very best to you.

Fitzgerald writes:

Someone should have told the admiral his slip was showing.

Considering that admirals, especially during peacetime, are political beasts, it should come as no surprise to see him kissing up to the current progressive overlords in Congress. Like so many “men” in positions of power, they sell tradition and society down the river for their own short-term advantage. He’ll never be inconvenienced or affected by decisions like this. Admirals have their own quarters and besides, he’ll retire on a fat pension before the full impacts are felt. Just another selfish rat’ fleeing the sinking ship. 

And what of the plight of the enlisted and NCOs that will now need to face the reality of bunking and showering with active homosexuals who see them as potential sexual partners. Of course now I’m going to be branded a “homophobe.” In reality my disdain is not “homophobic:”  I feel no need to protect the “tender” sensibilities of servicemen from fending off unwarranted and uninvited advances of homosexual males (I think feminists like this and get a perverse satisfaction from the conceit of it… “See how you like it!”) but it’s a bad idea for the same reason men are not allowed to shower with women, namely it’s just not appropriate. Interesting, I don’t hear any woman demanding the universal provisioning of separate bathrooms and showers as sexist artifacts of patriarchal oppression. The silence is deafening.

I’m tempted to start an Internet campaign to end bathroom segregation. Stop the oppression! And let’s not forget the urinal gap! Once my campaign is successful, I will of course need to clamor for urinals in formerly women’s restrooms, as it’s only fair and equitable.

N.W. writes:

Swedish feminists have already resolved Fitzgerald’s “urinal gap.”

Sean writes:

From my anecdotal evidence of the Canadian military, which is mandated to recruit a certain amount of “sexual minorities,” the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” will only have a negative effect on the U.S. military. The soldiers I know say the very idea of openly homosexual comrades is so bizarre that the few who do join tend to be shunned. This of course leads to a weakening of unit cohesion and overall drop in morale. It is impossible for men to share a comradely affection knowing that some of them will openly flaunt sexual feelings for the others. Fortunately, I think very few gays and lesbians join the military anyway, recognizing it as a place not suited to their kind of proclivities.

The “don’t ask, don’t tell” law is a very sensible policy and it will be a shame to see it scrapped, as it inevitably must be. I have little use for The Onion parody newspaper, but a headline in their collection of satirical headlines from the twentieth century, “Our Dumb Century“, nails the absurd position of that policy’s opponents: “Gay Servicemen Fight For Right To Love Men, Kill Men.” The fake story quotes a homosexual solider as saying: “It is my deep desire that the Army will let me love the men I deem are sexually attractive, and kill the men they deem are in need of killing.”

Laura writes:


You’d have to be unbalanced to be openly homosexual and join the military. But the point isn’t to meet some great unmet demand for this among recruits, but to punish the institution that is the most unfriendly to overt homosexuality and to put homosexuals in prominent positions in that institution to further normalize homosexual behavior. 

N.W. writes:

“You’d have to be unbalanced to be openly homosexual and join the military.” 

As opposed to those who aren’t?

Laura writes:

Good point. Let’s say you’d have to be even more unbalanced and self-destructive. These individuals do exist and I suppose if the military were to deny entry to them, it would be sued.

Eric writes:

When we removed the taboo against open homosexuality in civilian life, we got gay ghettos, fast-lane homosexuality, venereal diseases up to and including AIDS , and a sullen, resentful subculture. I wonder if all this awaits the military.

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