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Haiti: a Feminist Paradise? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Haiti: a Feminist Paradise?

February 3, 2010


Aservant, a commenter here at the Thinking Housewife, battles it out with knee-jerk misogynists at the Spearhead website in a discussion of  women-only relief lines in Haiti. He offers a  fascinating and pungent reading of Haitian culture. Go to the end of the thread to search for Aservant’s remarks. Here are a few excerpts:

Sorry once again gentlemen, but I didn’t miss the point in the least. I don’t deny that this maybe and probably is a calculated discriminatory move by feminists, but at the same time it is necessary to get any food to the population at large as in this case the men truly are useless and very impulsive/aggressive. Sure the women can be too, but they are the ones with the children, and even if it is to raise the child to later sell it for voodoo sacrifice, they will do that and thus keep some order by making sure the food gets to them. I also don’t believe that there are only”women only” lines, I am sure men have lines as well, they just don’t get priority, and that is how it should be; women and children first.

Furthermore, even though the men get their money by being thugs, they are the primary method that it enters the home, the women wait upon it and “give it up” to whomever to get their share. They don’t go out to hussle it. If the men are taken out, their society will completely collapse, which is a good thing for anyone that wants to see feminism dealt a blow, because that society has been feminist dominated from the beginning. Believe me, it is the women that run it all and always have. That is why it doesn’t run worth a damn, women are incapable of running massive enterprises on a complex level for any amount of time with anything that resembles quality.

I don’t think it is any coincidence that the feminism in its latest militant stage that came out of the 60s coincided with the exhaltation of Third World matriarchal societies, namely in universities in the name of African studies, the evils of European history, etc. The feminists take much of their playbook from these people. Of course, this is not readily admitted, but it is obvious with the constant fawning over the “strong, third world peasant woman.” So let them go boys, let them implement their stupid feminist ideals among populations that have already embraced their mantra for centuries, actually, they invented the mantra, the first world women are just helping enforce it. Just make sure you are complete divided and vigilant against them from doing it to you and yours. Not an easy task these days, but it is the best you can do.

The men of these societies that have willingly participated in their own disempowerment deserve what they get. Don’t shed a tear for them, feed them to the feminist beasts and watch it all blow up in their faces, just have a bit of patience. By being concerned by what is happening to them, whether you are aware of it or not, you are equalizing our civilized culture to their barbaric. Us anti-feminist men don’t have a brotherhood with all males worldwide, only with true men that don’t tolerate traitors. I know the next thing that will be said is, “If they did it there, they will do it here.” Over my and your dead body maybe. What applies there doesn’t have to apply here in the least, only if we let it. We aren’t victims to these trolls. We built the damn Western world, the greatest civilization that the world ever saw….

… Ridiculous nonsense is not understanding that without some idealism we are no better than any animal, and there is no idealism stronger and more central to the human condition than the relationship between man and woman, no matter how bad it is corrupted. Corruption doesn’t make truth and reality disappear, the same way disease doesn’t make the body disappear…

… Are most of the women today not worthy of you putting them first, especially in Western feminazi land? Absolutely, but not all. There is still some, albeit less all the time, human decency left, in both men and women. Without it, no idea is even worth holding.

You must not have children and/or you were raised by a hateful mother that you still resent. Maybe you have or had a wife or girlfriend that drags you around by your unit. You need to kick them all to the curb, even the mom. I did. No true man tolerates abuse from a wicked female, even if it is their own mother.


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