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Our Legislative Philistines « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Our Legislative Philistines

February 24, 2010


JOHN LOFTON, a former Republican advisor who hosts the American View radio show, attended a question-and-answer session with Maryland lawmakers and grilled them on their understanding of the Constitution and oath of office. The ensuing exchanges are a disturbing glimpse into a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

Hannon writes:

Thank you for posting the link to John Lofton’s interview with the representatives from Maryland. How many citizens even would think to ask such questions? I will endeavor to keep them in mind if I should have such an opportunity. Just in that short span of time I think Mr. Lofton summed up the condition of our nation regarding the fear and sometimes hatred of religion, God and Christianity. Anything along these lines that is asserted or suggested to be irreducible and fixed inspires fear, anxiety and, in this case, the addition of pathologic dishonesty. Yet they each identified themselves as Christians!

The discomfort and/or hostility of these people is what struck me the most. They were also imperious and behaved as if Mr Lofton had no right to ask his questions– incredibly, they told him so to his face.The questions were not easy but they were fair. Still, not one of the three was able or willing to reply in a direct and confident manner.Their knowledge of the role and limits of government was pitiable.

I think they knew what he wanted to hear and were not willing to converse in good faith in the face of obvious ideological differences. The question he posed about an entity higher than man’s laws was especially challenging, but were they challenged by it? No. They were clearly threatened by it and any other query that might have revealed to their constituents that they had firm religious convictions or any belief in established government limitations, both of which are doubtful in any event.

Wouldn’t it be grand if we could mandate that all elected representatives maintain on their websites a video recording of an impromptu session like this one? It would be like a long-lasting humility tablet.

Laura writes:

I’m glad you listened to it. The self-satisfaction in their initial answers was stunning. They were so pleased with their reply that government is a collective party bag with goodies for every one. If you want a lollipop, just ask! But I loved the exchange over their religious beliefs. They were such righteous relativists.


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