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The Motions of Home « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Motions of Home

February 23, 2010


LYDIA SHERMAN writes about the almost imperceptible motions of the experienced homemaker:

Some women make people run to the far corners of the house because of their aggressive attack on housekeeping; others can do it in such a way that it becomes poetic. I had a friend in my early days that fascinated me by her approach to homemaking. Though she never appeared to “do” much, she was always moving about, picking up things and straightening, and never sat down until she had briefly gone through the room and put it aright.  She saved herself a lot of hard work by the “clean as you go” method, and yet no one was ever really aware of what she was doing, because she conversed and walked around her house as though she was walking in a garden, enjoying the vacation.  It would be nice to learn this kind of approach, which would increase the contentment and well being of everyone around us.

And in another recent post, “The Blessings of Women at Home,” Lydia writes about the timeless art of caring for sick children on a winter’s day.

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