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The Worst Nacho Chips « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Worst Nacho Chips

February 8, 2010


Fitzgerald writes:

True to form, most Super Bowl commercials showed men in a variety of convenient misandrist stereotypes. But none were quite as repellent and creepy as the Doritos ad with the kid slapping his mother’s date. Revolting on many levels.


                              — Comments —

Mrs. E. writes:

For me, the most disturbing part was the way the boyfriend was leering at the woman as she walked away from him in her very short skirt.

I actually thought the little boy was exhibiting a noble sort of protectiveness towards his mother, and that he had possibly picked up on the man’s less-than-honorable intentions towards her. And then the guy has the gall to grab a Dorito, too?! LOL! The boy was exercising his male drive to protect and defend. I thought the slap was fitting. How many fathers would like to administer a slap (or worse) to young man leering at his teenaged daughter?

That said, though, I can’t say that I “liked” the commercial. The leering and the fact that the boy was aware of it was really disturbing.

Laura writes:

I agree with Mrs. E. The boy comes across as the lone adult in this commercial.

Fizgerald writes:

Is it just me, or I am the only one that is repulsed by the common media portrayals of children being the only “adults” or wiser and smarter than their parents as patently offensive. [Laura writes: No, your not. It’s tiresome and disgusting. It also reflects something real. Many children do parent their parents.]  I see the response to the creep’s leering behavior as understandable and correct, but using a kid to convey it offensive on it’s own. [Yes, completely.] 

Also, where is the dad? Was the boy born out of wedlock or has she already performed a parentectomy so she can now play the field? How would a normal guy respond to the lewd dress of this woman.. most would leer, which is pretty much the point of her dressing like she did! Look at me! Look at my quite sassy ass and long legs. 

The “date” is a classic ignorant cad who has no idea how to reach out to the kid in any meaningful way. He deserves to be grabbed by the shirt collar and thrown out on the street.. and besides, why the heck is the kids mother inviting dates over to the house with her kid! I am a single parent of 5 boys, were I to be dating, the last thing I would do is to let a date show up, or bring one around, and I’m a guy!! This is despicable behavior with all the upside potential of the events underlying Hitchcock’s “Marnie”. 

Frankly, the only thing even remotely redeeming is the kid standing up for his mom, really in spite of his mom, which is completely undone by her idiotic retort at the end: ‘.. are you boys getting along?’ Revolting. 

Laura writes:

I watched this with the sound turned off so didn’t catch that last line. Agreed.

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