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A Curse « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Curse

March 15, 2010



I do hope that your marriage falls apart, your husband becomes violent, and your children hate you later on in life. I hope that in your old age you are left alone to reflect on all the close-minded and hateful things you have publicly displayed. You are a truly repulsive human being, and a pathetic excuse at that.

I wish nothing but suffering and hardship on you so that you may one day see how the people live that you talk down upon on a daily basis.

Crawl back into your gutter, you pathetic, hapless soul. 

[Note to reader: This is not a parody. As Rosemary said in the movie Rosemary’s Baby at that moment when she awakened in the Satanic lair, “This is really happening.”] 




Shyla Lefever writes:

Thank you, A.C., for this encapsulation of liberal love and tolerance. 

Mark writes:

I notice you’ve been getting quite a lot of hate mail (including of the “I’ll-pray-for-you-go-to-hell” variety). As someone who posted a few comments on the Alaina Sheer thread, I feel partly responsible for this backlash. Maybe I was infelicitous in my remarks when I equated Ms. Sheer and her ilk with pole dancers at a strip club. Perhaps I was uncharitable when I said that such people would be doing the world a favor if they didn’t bother having kids. 

Alas, I would like your critics to be assured of at least one thing: I take it all back. You’re not anything like what I said you are. You’re all wonderful people. Salt of the earth. You’re also amazingly graceful e-mail correspondents – a credit to writing programs at universities and community colleges across the fruited plain. No doubt, you are among the most honest people who have ever walked the face of the earth – fearless in your integrity – and models of Christian charity. And to think, all this coming from women who have suffered as much as you all have. 

Tell me ladies, how do you keep from being bitter?

Rick U. writes:

A.C.’s comment is actually the same as Paula’s from the first thread, only more honest. Paula hides behind a god she imagines but who can only be the deceiver, while A.C. has fully embraced the hatred at the deceiver’s core. So, these are just examples of two paths away from the gate.

Laura writes:

I hadn’t thought of it that way, but you’re right. A.C. is to be commended for sincerity.

Jennine Johnson writes:

Your post today, The Curse, prompted me to take a moment to write a note of encouragement. God has clearly given you the gift of Wisdom and the platform to spread Truth. I have personally been encouraged by your site and have experienced a revived desire to be a better wife and mother. 

I divorced my husband of 18 years (we have seven children and were childhood sweethearts) after buying into the feminism crap of “I deserve better,” “I deserve to be happy” and “I deserve to be fulfilled.” (There is more to the story, but that’s the bottom line.) Four months after our divorce was final, I had a revelation as I crawled into my miserable, lonely bed and realized that I was not better, happy or fulfilled by my choice to destroy my family. 

Through counseling (with a Christian counselor) and repentance and forgiveness, my ex-husband and I remarried and have been living the dream, with a new understanding of commitment and the true understanding of sacrificial love. 

God healed our family and restored our joy. 

Having been on both sides of the feminism fence, I know truth when I hear/read it and so on this day I am thanking God for you and your willingness to speak truth and take the brutality of those whose ears cannot hear it. 

God bless you.

Sheila writes:

I have read avidly your recent spate of entries and the generally thoughtful and insightful comment threads. Like many other readers, I too admire your moral fortitude in facing the endless vituperation of hopelessly lost, deluded, fallen people that anyone grounded in God’s truth must face. Thank you for being that voice in the wilderness that we need, for reaching out to the lost, and for providing the forum you do for like-minded people. Your always calm and logical responses to the hate directed your way surely fall upon stony ground, but you keep scattering seeds in true hope. You are a blessing and an example to so many of us. “Thank you” seems inadequate, but I offer it nonetheless.

Jake Jacobsen writes:

What comes across as clear as a bell to me is the pain that the utterance of truth causes these folks.

I’m reminded of when my wife and I were an active part of the Minutemen. One Saturday morning we were to protest in front of the Mexican consulate, my wife and I and one other were the first to arrive on our side. While twenty or so of our opponents had arrived as well.

They surrounded us and began marching around us in an intimidating fashion, making threats, brushing against us, and blasting the bullhorn directly into our ears. I’m sure you can imagine how hard it was to maintain our cool, in the eye of this storm my wife took my hand and began humming a praise song which calmed my spirit.

So there they were still marching around us and leaning in to threaten or make horrible comments and when they did we would respond by replying “God bless you.” They recoiled as though we’d thrown acid on them, it was a powerful reminder that the battle we were a part of was not merely political but had a spiritual dimension as well, it is no coincidence that Communism is considered a Christian heresy.

I have a feeling if we could see these folks making these comments they would look a lot like the Communists who surrounded us outside the consulate. They cannot abide the sound of truth, it is actually physically painful to them.

So well done on you and please continue to tell the truth, because no matter how much they squirm and yell these folks writing the comments are the ones who need to hear that truth the most.

Fitzgerald writes:

I think of it this way. When attacked for standing for truth, it’s a sign that you are making a difference! Expect more and more people to crawl out from the cellars in which they dwell to launch broadsides. Wear the attacks like badges of honor. Apathy is far worse. It’s far better to be booed than to hear crickets.

Lydia Sherman writes:

As one of my commenters said, we have to assume an air of reckless cheerfulness in the face of such attacks. They wonder why we are not bitter and are so happy. When the Dame of Sark, whom you can read about here and here  and here , found her island occupied by the Nazis she knew that morale was important. Even when the island ran out of supplies, she said they never ran out of morale. She had complete confidence that the allies would come. I have it on good authority that feminism is cannibalizing itself. Now, we have to educate the future young women on how to build their homes.

Kathleen McGagin writes:

What a shame that we can’t address you by name, A.C., because you certainly have very strong opinions. It’s confusing to me that you would not at least offer your name, as well as your venom, to Mrs. Wood.

Isn’t America wonderful, though? You are allowed to sign your name in this country, but you still didn’t! You gave no information or supporting facts as to why you are against Mrs. Wood’s opinions. You attacked on a personal level, which leads me to believe that you do not know how to debate like an educated gentleman/lady in a calm and courteous manner.

I feel sorry for you, A.C. You are a coward.




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