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The Anniversary of a Heist Approaches « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Anniversary of a Heist Approaches

March 4, 2010



Some of the works stolen from the Gardener Museum

IT IS two decades this month since thieves talked their way into the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum in Boston and stole an estimated $250 million in works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Degas, Manet and others. The 13 paintings and drawings represent the world’s most valuable art heist.  A $5 million reward has been offered for their return and the statute of limitations has expired on the crime. Now, according to the Boston Globe, investigators are looking for a breakthrough with advanced DNA testing. The thieves used duct tape to tie up the two college students who were on guard the night of March 18, 1990. The FBI is hoping the criminals left their own sweat on the tape, which has been sent off to a lab for testing. These might be the most valuable perspiration traces in history. What are detectives supposed to say, we give up? 

The thieves were probably not the best in the business, which makes the whole thing embarrassing. They have never sold the works, it is believed, and there is speculation that they did not know they were absconding with such remarkable treasures. They have perhaps stashed them somewhere, in some musty basement or dusty attic, unseen and unadmired for these 20 years. Or perhaps some wealthy loner is gazing at them every night with sinister joy. Surely they will turn up someday.

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