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The Dame of Sark « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Dame of Sark

March 17, 2010


THE ISLE OF SARK in the English Channel was the world’s only surviving feudal state up until two years ago. During World War II, it was occupied by the Germans. Many residents chose to stay for what would be a bitter five-year ordeal. Sybil Hathaway was then the Dame of Sark, the island’s female hereditary ruler, and she handled the occupation with courage and fortitude. She is a model for all those who see their country or personal isle invaded.

A homeschooling mother at the Pleasant Times blog relects on the Dame’s life story.



Lydia Sherman writes:

I love how you referred to a woman’s personal isle. Feminists need to take a page from the Dame. Would they have the Dame’s courage, should their homes be invaded? This woman kept her dignity and that of her subjects. She said, “There was a delicate balance that had to be maintained, between the occupied and the occupier.” She was no modern feminist. She insisted on being treated like a lady even in the face of defeat, and she acted like one. While there were war atrocities (assault, rape) on the other islands at the same time, there was only one reported assault on a civilian on her island. That says a lot about the maternal care she administered on the residents and the respect that she commanded from the soldiers.

James B. writes:

I wonder, did anyone else reading about this fascinating woman picture her being played in a movie by Helen Mirren?

The monarchist in me loved this bit from her autobiography: “Sark is not a sort of feudal pageant to amuse visitors. It is a real live community of people who are happy to have retained their ancient formof government, and possess a subtle dignity of their own, born of many years of independence, honorable work and satisfied old age.”

Lydia writes:

I could easily see Helen Mirren in the role. There are photos of Sybil Hathaway at my blog here.

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