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The Me-Me Sisterhood « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Me-Me Sisterhood

March 14, 2010



I just perused the Ms Single Mama site, and I’m amazed at all the references to men.  Who are these pitiful women trying to kid?  More than anything else, they wish they could connect with a man who would play the traditional male role for them and their children.  What else can be made of some of the articles?

How wise to offer advice on “when to tell him about your single mom status and when to introduce him to the kids.”  The kid(s), PLURAL, mind you!  Yeah, how do you go about that?  What a life! And the sad part is that these women go through these games of deceit over and over, since most men still have enough sense to keep their distance from these wonderful single moms.

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