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A Manly Stride « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Manly Stride

April 13, 2010



Kristor writes:

This is almost as bad as Dukakis poking his head out of a tank turret.

                                              — Comments —

Lawrence Auster writes:

Obama actually looks good in the photo–it’s a strong, impressive stride. What makes the photo Dukakis-in-the-tank-like is Hillary. Her stride is strikingly identical to Obama’s in every detail. The problem is that she is not a tall, slender, long-legged man wearing a business suit and walking in a manner appropriate to a man, but a short, dumpy woman wearing a ridiculous pants suit who is trying manfully to look manly and leader-like but looks comical instead. So, Obama taken by himself is striding manfully. Obama and Hillary together are an image of national foppery and weakness–Dukakis in the tank. 

The lesson is simple: if you want your country to look strong, don’t pick women for your top, iconic government posts.

Fitzgerald writes:

Call me a conspiritorial wacko if you will but there several things to note about this very subtle propaganda photo. First, is it just me, or is this somewhat aping a Beatles album cover? 

Second, note the inclusion of the “W Excecutive Ave” street sign.. Accident, I suspect not. 

Finally, yes, of course the Billary’s stride is notable… I need say no more.

Laura writes:

Normally, a tall man would slow down with a smaller woman, but when you are walking with your Secretary of State, a purposeful stride is in order. In trying to keep up, Hillary looks absurd. I like the way Larry put it: She is trying “manfully to look manly” and in doing so amplifies the fact that she is not manly.

Kristor writes:

Mr. Auster has nailed it, hilariously. The shoes didn’t help her, either. I have to say, when I saw her in that photo trying so hard to walk like a man, my first reaction was, “How pathetic, how ridiculous. Snort.” But then almost immediately my heart went out to her. She’s worked so hard and long to get herself in this fundamentally absurd position. The moment-to-moment cognitive dissonance she must suffer, every day, all the while repressing it with all her might, is just appalling to consider. 

Obama looks great in that shot. He knows all the moves. At looking authoritative, this guy is a genius. His suit may be empty, but it’s a really nice suit.

Lawrence writes:

You know what they look like with those long determined strides? They look like Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday walking to the gun fight at the OK corral–with Hillary as Doc Holiday, and with Rahm Emanuel as one of the Earp brothers.

Kristor writes:

Yessiree, we sure are some tough hombres! Those bad boy nuclear tyrants better watch out! We are on our way to kick some ass. We are serious men (sic) on our way to do some serious business. Yessiree bob.

 Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:

Don’t you think that Hillary has become a “yesman” or perhaps as she might prefer it, a “yeswoman”? Despite her bravado, during her confrontations during her husband’s affair, and when she took the steps to run for presidency, at the end of the day, she always seems to stand “behind her man.” Secretary of State seems an ideal position for this.

I’ve written about it here (before I saw your photo and post).

There is something extraordinary about this photo. She seems to be mimicking Obama down to the fingertips. Unlike Rahm Emanuel who is ahead of Obama, she is a step behind him (due to her physicality, but it suits her fine), and is able to watch his movements. It looks like those nature films where young animals (I like the dolphins best) swim and run next to their mothers in perfect imitation. It is very touching in these babies, but it is a little creepy in a grown woman.

Laura writes:

Here is a relevant passage from Kidist’s piece:

I see Hillary as an extension of the men around her. I don’t see anything wrong with a woman being subservient to a husband, a father or an older brother. But, in Hillary’s case, it always seems like she’s hiding behind these figures, as though she really just cannot stand up for herself. Her ambitions for a political life seem simply like an afterthought to capitalize on the life she had led with her husband.

When Obama cleverly chose her for Secretary of State, he had to woo her into the position. She had run for President, lost, and was content to return to the semi-obscure life of a Senator. She didn’t seem to have any more fight left in her to continue her ambitions for the highest political position.

Hillary always seemed strong and tough as nails. But, she always keeps coming out as some kind of underdog – betrayed by her husband, and her presidency stolen from her by an impostor. And even now, despite exemplary reports from her colleagues, she is not advancing any independent thoughts or ideas, but is simply Obama’s yeswoman.

And this photo Kidist posted reminds me of Annie about to break out into “Tomorrow, Tomorrow, is only a daay awaay.”

Lisa writes:

It just occurred to me what the picture of Obama and Hillary conjures up for me: parades on the grounds of the US Naval Academy. With shorter legs and women’s jiggly and wider rear ends, we just didn’t enhance the “uniform military appearance” we were all supposed to promote; after all, we had the same shoes and the same color clothes as the guys, so we were one of the guys, right? Now it makes me feel so foolish to have thought so! How could the parades’ honored guests, foreign and domestic, military and civilian, especially older military men, have stood watching this farce?

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