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Boys in Tights « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Boys in Tights

April 14, 2010


A NEW JERSEY elementary school recently directed all children, including boys, to dress up as women for an event celebrating Women’s History Month. Fortunately, the plan caused enough of an uproar by parents it was canceled. The principal then tried to deny that the school ever wanted boys to dress as women, even though the original letter home clearly stated that it did. You can read about the details at Publius’ Forum. One parent stated:

How is dressing like a woman from any era going to teach [my son] about history? Why not let him do a report, poster, or other project on this subject? If he was attending a vocational school in the field of textiles, women’s fashion, etc, then it would make sense. My son is adamantly opposed, and I don’t see how forcing my 9-year-old to cross-dress in front of the entire school body is going to teach him anything about Women’s History.

                                                                       — Comments —

Karen I. writes:

The absurdity of the public schools never ends, does it? I was picking up my son at his middle school the other day, and there was a huge new sign hanging in the middle of the main hall that read “LISTEN to ADULTS”. There is another sign hanging in the main hallway of my daughter’s elementary school that lists the five “voices” children are expected to use based on volume, and numbered in order of how loud they are expected to be. There’s an “indoor voice”, a “lunchroom voice”, a “playground voice”, and so on. Kids who don’t know how to tie their shoes yet are expected to understand this! If it wasn’t all so controlling, it would be funny. 

I told my son it is probably a good idea to listen to adults like the sign says, but there are big exceptions like if a strange adult is trying to lure him into a car. Perhaps the sign in his school should read “LISTEN to ADULTS unless they are trying to tell you to do something they shouldn’t be.” It is amazing how a school district that can’t find the funds for decent books can always find the money for signs that emphasize compliance above all else.



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