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Jobs for Men « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Jobs for Men

April 14, 2010


SOMEWHERE right now in this country a woman is probably being hired for a job a man can do. Women will always need jobs, the questions are: How many and what kind of jobs? While that woman being hired may very well perform admirably, the likelihood that she will not be the primary financial supporter of her family is stronger than if she were a man. The likelihood that she will leave at some point to care for family is higher. And, regardless of whether she is in the postion of primary breadwinner, families and our entire culture do better when men occupy the breadwinner role.

There are many thousands of men over the age of 50 who in this latest downturn have had to start their careers over. Many have not found work. Some will never return to their former level of employment even though they are still capable and healthy. There are young men in their twenties taking unpaid internships, teaching English in Korea or playing video games in a back bedroom of their parents’ homes, lapsing into a state of deepening withdrawal. Their prospects are daunting. They are voluntarily withdrawing or biding their time until they can find real work, their chances of starting families reasonably early and on an economically-sound footing depressingly low.

The poor economy, in this unfortunate sense, is an opportunity. It is a chance to develop the will for the long-term fight against laws and regulations that make it illegal for businesses and government to discriminate on the basis of sex. While women should not be barred from any fields, no business should be forced to hire women and men in equal or similar proportions. Businesses should be free to respond to public pressure. They should be free to discriminate on the basis of sex.

I and other traditionalist women who stand with me could go out tomorrow and take advantage of the feminist spoils. But we recognize that to rely on a man is not to be dependent, but independent of a system that has elevated commercial bonds over personal ties of trust. This system has damaged families. It has corroded the natural bonds between the sexes and between the generations. The Battle of the Sexes is eternal, but this is different, a campaign of mutual self-destruction.

A woman is as economically dependent now as she has always been. She is more dependent upon institutions, on government and business, and less upon the men she trusts. We support this proposal not out of mercenary self-interest. We have husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, and friends. We want what normal women have always wanted. Men first.

If you have not read my post Why We Must Discriminate, I hope you will. 



                           — Comments —


Randy B. writes:

Your site is an awakening. 

If we don’t discriminate we negate and conscientiously ignore the foundations of natural law. Natural law being the ability to comprehend the difference between right and wrong. If freedom of association is still a stalwart pillar of a free people, then discrimination is a operational mandate of our existence. We must discriminate against things we know to be morally wrong to maintain a moral basis of operation.

As an old man banging on 50 like the room behind me is on fire, I accept that my wife is better by birth at many tasks then I could have ever imagined, absent her example. She is a better educator then I could ever hope to be. She draws a level of affection and bond to our children, having given birth to them, that is impossible for me to reproduce. She provides a kind of stability to our family that I cannot put a finger on. And in general most women put up with levels of crap from their husbands I am not certain God could have forecasted. 

On the other side of the coin are man’s inherent abilities. Give me a minute….. Just kidding. When I say men, I mean old world men, not modern metrosexual or liberal effeminates. I would assume that most men can look at a collection of parts and logically deduce what, if assembled, they would produce; in many cases men are able to perform the assembly without instructions (all parts used and operation are not guaranteed). Or in short, we are mechanical beings. We welcome the opportunity to lay down our lives should the safety and security of our family be at risk, albeit hoping said outcome is not required. Our lessons to our children are cherished after they leave home, where a mothers influence is more directly tied to their time at home. If dad fixes a bike the kids thank mom today, but years later they thank him for all he did. We do not generally hold onto corrupt or corrosive family history, largely because we have the attention span of gnats, and the memory of goldfish, but more accurately because they are not that important. 

Associated observations, but changing gears. 

When I travel to the city of Sand And Crisco California there is a specific reason I don’t walk up or down Washington Street. Not only does the trash build up along the building fronts obstructing the side walk, it daily reaches the angle of repose. Plus the last time I did it I was ignorantly emboldened by my military specialty and martial arts experience; neither of which would have served to delay my death by having the streets entire black population cover me like tape. This is not a contrived fear, it is based on the litany of orated attacks cast at me as I walked, and in two cases elbow chucked by passersby. Having experienced that world, I discriminate by not associating with people who base their existence on hating white people because of the color of our skin. As you can see both the black’s and I chose discrimination. I could give many examples of why I selectively discriminate, but each of you has experienced at least one, if not more of the examples I would list. 

In addition – Have you ever noticed that it is only white people (largely men) that are affected when mandates against discrimination are legislated? You can have all black caucuses, black history month, black only universities, women’s groups, homosexual parades, et al. Try to stand up a celebration of European ancestry and without further action you are cast out as racist, KKK, hate mongers. Straw men each, but effective in the media and believable by the sheep. 

For the person who defines their lives by the laws of nature and mother Gaia, try to remember that nature is the poster child of discrimination. Only the strong survives. Viruses attack the weak, Giraffe only hang out with other Giraffe while discriminating against lions, etc. Oh what a hateful world in which we live.

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