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Protesters Abreast « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Protesters Abreast

April 5, 2010





I found this story about women protesting different standards regarding male and female nudity quite funny in its earnestness, and the simultaneous demand to (a) show off sexual power while (b) castigating men for being victims of the same.

 Laura writes:

This is hilarious. The hypocrisy is so stunning it’s almost brilliant. Would they prefer if all men were indifferent to breasts? Do they deny that a man’s chest is different from a woman’s? The article doesn’t say what their goal is. Are they campaigning for everyday nudity? In Maine, of all places?

                                                 — Comments —

John Purdy writes:

Actually, even men shouldn’t walk down the street without shirts! Not illegal, maybe, but uncivilised.

Laura writes:

These women are fighting for the “right” to be anti-social. I don’t think there is much logic, only outrage that men and women are different. What’s next? Cosmetic mastectomies (with the option of breast implants for special occasions)? Social justice will reign throughout the world.

Eric writes:

I saw a video of the Million Boob March. There were about 20 women and about 200 men in attendance. The women started out sort of in solidarity, very nonchalant, then later the better looking ones started vamping and preening and posing and competing to attract the attention of the guys.

Some things never change.



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