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Stop the Presses! Scientists Discover that Breasts Feed! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Stop the Presses! Scientists Discover that Breasts Feed!

April 5, 2010


Jennine writes:

I saw this and immediately thought of you since you have the gift of pointing out the absurdities of our society. I love it when the news, and science, states the obvious as if it is some great revelation.

This article must mean that God intended breasts for some purpose other than being photographed, stared at, operated on, and squeezed into Miracle bras?

Laura writes:

It’s staggering how much money is spent proving the obvious. If only we could distribute a fraction of those grant funds to women who want to stay home with their children. These housewives could write press releases from home, saying things like, “Study Proves Dinner Serves a Purpose” or “Study Proves Two-year-olds Need Naps” or “Study Proves Clothes Never Stay Clean.” 

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