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The Decline of Motherhood « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Decline of Motherhood

April 24, 2010


TWO stories in this week’s news illustrate the vanity of the contemporary mother. Single mothers are preying on younger men in front of their daughters. And celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels says she will be opting for adoption (at the advanced age of 36) because of pregnancy’s effects on her figure. Adoption has become, in some cases, an elevated form of shopping.

Selfish, materialistic, consumed by image, and so sugary it makes your teeth hurt: that’s motherhood today.

Many women reject these low standards but that does not alter the fact of their constant glorification in our culture.


                               —- Comments —

MarkyMark writes:

During a visit home some years ago, I saw a marathon of ‘The Biggest Loser.’ ‘The Biggest Loser’ is a reality TV show about losing weight. Jillian Michaels used to be one of the trainers on there, and I saw her when watching this cable TV marathon. She’s very masculine in her mannerisms; she’s the uber ‘tough bitch’. She had a nice face and body at the time, but her personality was more masculine than feminine. From my observation of her, it’s no wonder she couldn’t get a man; no real man would want her!

Unfortunately, rather than learn from their mistakes, such women try to adopt kids, rather than giving them a solid, two parent home which is best for them. It’s as if kids are treated more as fashion accessories rather than live, thinking, feeling human beings who need guidance and love. Women who adopt kids without a husband are just plain selfish in my book.

Laura writes:

I didn’t realize she wasn’t even married!

Stephanie writes:

Great post. I thought it might be germane to the discussion to mention that Jillian Michaels is a homosexual. So if she were to get pregnant, she would have to jump through a few more hoops (probably IVF) in order to make that happen.

Laura writes:

Thanks. I should have done more research into the sordid world of Jillian Michaels before posting this. So not only is she not married, she has no relationship with a man. Lesbian motherhood is now so mainstream it is not even mentioned that she doesn’t have a male partner by whom she might get pregnant. She has no intention of giving her adopted child a father and is apparently confident that she can adopt. This casual injustice against a child, combined with her fitness fetish, is sickening.  

Paul writes:

From the article about “Cougar Moms,” Erica says. “Hours after the call, my mom still wasn’t home, so I made my dad drive around town with me to look for her — I was worried she could be hurt or in an accident.” When Erica arrived at the club to look for her mom, she found her… 

This is a gem. “I ‘made’ my dad…”, and not they found her but “she found her.” The mention of the dad at all (and that was it) was a Freudian slip, a boulder in the road that had no business being there. Why didn’t Erica go searching for her mother in the early hours of the morning by herself? Curfew of course, or a suspended license a la Paris et al. 

No, Erica put her father in the story herself. It was the only bit of stability in the whole story, in the whole article, maybe in Erica’s whole life, as flawed as the man may be. I must admit, I was a bit touched. These poor girl/women out there alone are weak, afraid, dependent on somebody being there for them when nothing else is. 

When he dies, after the funeral and blubber, his tombstone will read. HE WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR US. What more could he ask for, or any man for that matter?

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