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The Vanished World of the Steakhouse Guy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Vanished World of the Steakhouse Guy

April 20, 2010



I remember this type of man among my dad’s friends when I was little kid back in the late 70’s. As some of the commenters on the article mention, these men are still around, but up country in small towns, and Vancouver has moved away from being so dependent on forestry, mining and fishing. These are blue collar men through and through, an IT/white collar environment doesn’t need them any more, so they’ve retired to their small acreage out of town to live out the rest of their days.

 As the author of the article is a journalism instructor, he probably never was in that blue collar milieu, although he appreciates those guys for what they are. All in all a great article, reminds me of some men at church when I was little, no BS, straight up men. 

                                                         — Comments —

Jill Farris writes:

I loved the article “Whatever Happened to the Steakhouse Guy.” These guys are a vanishing breed in some places but still do exist in America’s heartland. They are my Uncle and Aunt; unassuming middle class people whose life was characterized by hard work and contentment with what they had worked hard to earn. They were committed to each other, had a simple (but real) faith in God and,generally, thought kindly of their fellow man. Maybe, it was fighting in several wars that helped to hone this generation of “real men” who valued the simple life and felt
like they were really living if they could own a house and go on vacation every once in a while. They weren’t perfect but they were men who cheerfully fulfilled their duty to their families without a lot of fanfare.I miss them too but, I know a number of young men with the same faith, the same values and the same appreciation for the basics in life. Thank God they are still around!

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