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A Dangerous Statement « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Dangerous Statement

May 31, 2010


LYDIA SHERMAN, at her blog Home Living, says something that is absolutely forbidden in today’s society. She criticizes men who send their wives to work and questions their masculinity. This is a statement that will win her the hatred of both feminists and some in the men’s rights movement. She writes:

Truly masculine men will not ask their wives to go to work. They will try harder to provide for their families, or cut down on expenses so that their wives won’t have to work. Manly men will tell you that when women are not in the workplace, they get their jobs done much better. Women going to work has complicated the way things are done in the workplace, and this has not been good for the men.

In response, Lydia received this comment from a reader:

You have no shame in being a kept woman and encouraging others to be kept women and you dare to criticize women who work because men supposedly can’t get their work done because of them. I’d like to let you know that in companies and government agencies all over the world women are known to be more hard working and dedicated than men. If you want to spend your life living in a fantasy world and playing house then do it but stop criticizing us working women who make a real difference in the world. Oh, and keep posting about your clothes and self-made stuff, my co-workers, family and friends find them hilarious. Thanks for making us laugh our eyes out every day, Lydia. My boyfriend says that if he were your husband he would beat you all the way into the workplace again!

                                    — Comments —

HKA writes:

Thank you for drawing attention to that very important post. And thank you for showing the character of Mrs. Sherman’s critics. I thought feminists were claiming to be against domestic violence and for choice, yet this woman and her feminist boyfriend encourage beating a woman to force her into the work place against her will.

I find it interesting that every kind of “freedom” is encouraged by current culture except that which encourages strong families. No one dares speak up against the many perversions in the name of openmindedness but a woman suggests that women ought to take care of their own home and mind their own children and she is fair game for vitriol. So much for freedom and choice.

For a long time I wondered what it was that made people keep coming to a blog they disagreed with so strongly, only to send hate-filled messages to a housewife. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is Satan’s goal to tear down families and he stirs up the flames against anyone who opposes his aim.

God bless Lady Lydia for her bravery and God bless you for standing against the tide.

Laura writes:

You raise an important point. Why does this commenter care about Lydia’s views, to the point of advocating violence against her? After all, she is hardly threatened in any concrete way. Corporations and employers are not about to turn women away. Why do her and her co-workers frequent a housewife’s blog? (And where do they get the time to read it, especially since they are the most hard-working and dedicated of workers?) Her statement that women work harder than men is preposterous as anybody who has worked in an office and witnessed the large amount of time women spend chatting during the work day knows. Many women certainly are hard workers, but they are not better workers overall than men. Add to their time spontaneously conferencing with each other the many hours and days working mothers devote to talking to their children on the phone, paying bills from home at the office, leaving early to attend parent conferences and to take care of home emergencies, and the absurdity of her statement is clear. 

I agree that this is a form of warfare. There is something real and deadly serious at stake.

Jesse Powell writes:

There is indeed something real and deadly serious at stake here, and it is the lives and well being of children. I agree with Lydia, a manly man will take care of his wife and children and not bitch about it. A selfish man or a lazy man is the one who will send his wife out to work.  What men have to realize here is that it is not about the man and it is not about the woman, it is about the children, it is about the future well being of society. Society has done nothing but decline and deteriorate ever since women increased their presence in the work force. 

Brian C. Robertson, author of Forced Labor, which examines the departure of women from the home, wrote of daycare: 

“The standardization and routine that are a necessary aspect of the daycare environment mean that children must live by a strictly regulated schedule: nap times whether or not they are tired, meal times regardless of when they get hungry (and with no allowance for individual taste), play times with the same preprogrammed activities, often with little variation day after day.” 

In contrast to the home environment: 

“Home includes details that are essential in forming the characters of children: family stories, bits of wisdom, inside jokes; enthusiasms for hobbies, sports, music, or politics; intellectual and literary sensibilities; styles of dress and decoration; tastes in food and drink; ways of celebrating and of mourning; and keeping the peace by means of little tricks that can only be known through intimacy. In short, a home contains the little things that are the life blood of human existence.” 

Finally, the author remarks: 

“Should a mother feel comfortable surrendering this awesome vocation to some anonymous daycare worker whose interest in her child is professional – indeed, financial?” 

To this last statement I say no, hell no! A woman has every right to expect and demand from the man she is thinking of making the father of her children that he live up to his responsibilities as a man and as a father to take care of her while she stays at home to raise his children to the best of his abilities. A self-respecting woman who places the needs of her children first will demand nothing less.

Brittany writes:

I think some men would like their wives to be at home more but a lot of women insist on working. Some men are worried that if they ask their wives to stay at home their wives might see them as a sexist so they just don’t say anything. Also many men grew up with their mothers working so they don’t see what the big deal is.

Laura writes:

Yes, that is absolutely true. Some men defer to their wives’ judgment out of misplaced respect.


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