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The Grave Injustice behind the Kagan Nomination « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Grave Injustice behind the Kagan Nomination

May 19, 2010


LISA BELKIN, of The New York Times, is to feminist propaganda what the H. J. Heinz Company is to ketchup. If you look at the enormous smokestacks of a Heinz factory, you get some idea of what goes on in there. Heinz keeps churning it out and people keep lapping it up. It’s the same thing with this one-woman factory of feminist lies and inanities. People apparently love it even though it sticks in the bottle. Now I know you will say that’s unfair. Ketchup is good and Heinz is the best. But it’s literally true and you’ll have to take your ketchup sensitivities elsewhere.

The latest Belkinism comes in the form of this article about the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Lisa is ever ready to launch into artlessly contorted logic to prove that women are oppressed despite outrageous favoritism and she doesn’t depart from her high standards here. She is skeptical about the correctness of Kagan as a nominee. Kagan is not a mother and thus her nomination gives the untutored masses the impression that a mommy cannot rise to the highest pinnacles of power. This is pernicious discrimination against mommies. (Like all feminists, Belkin can’t imagine that the welfare of children might be anywhere in the picture.) There are hockey moms and soccer moms and PTA moms. Why not Supreme Court moms? It’s true that Ruth Bader Ginsburg, by some fluke of nature, is a mother and so is Sandra Day O’Connor, but Sonia Sotomayor and Kagan are not. That’s unfair. Look at all the daddy judges.

Here is what I propose. Let all the genetics labs and fertility clinics in the country devote themselves to this just cause. Let’s make Sotomayor and Kagan mommies. Even if we have to resort to cloning, let’s get the job done. It’s only fair.


James P. writes:

“Let’s make Sotomayor and Kagan mommies. Even if we have to resort to cloning, let’s get the job done. It’s only fair.”

Cloning it would have to be, for we could not achieve that objective through the ordinary processes if we used all the Viagra and Cialis in the land.

Eric writes:

Your proposal is too extreme. All we have to do is nominate Sarah Palin to the Supreme Court.

Laura writes:

Palin is not just a mom but a fertility goddess so this is a worthy proposal. We would have brief and gutsy opinions from Palin. Is there a way to say “You betcha!” with judicial eloquence? 

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