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The Supercilious Female Judge « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Supercilious Female Judge

May 11, 2010


KILROY WRITES in response to this post on Elena Kagan:

My colleagues and I, all legal practitioners, have learned a very important lesson when adducing expert evidence before courts and tribunals presided over by female members: Always use women as the Expert Witness, never use a man. In our experience, even in positions of power, women still feel they have something to “prove” to the men “beneath” them. It’s funny, actually. We share a joke about it after each session when a snide comment is made that would otherwise not have been made if we were women. It doesn’t happen often, but frequently enough to note it and make an unwritten rule about how to deal with it. We find that male judges and tribunal members are at pains to be equitable with those before them, especially if they are women, but many female judges have a slight but noticeable air of arrogance in the manner in which they deal with male litigants and legal representatives.

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