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A Victory in the War Against Men in France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Victory in the War Against Men in France

June 30, 2010


AS REPORTED by the New York Times, the French Parliament has just passed a law that makes “psychological violence” a punishable criminal offense. The law is explictly aimed at meeting the complaints of women against their husbands and male partners. Feminists grow ever more bold and totalitarian in their aims.

The Times reports:

Those found guilty face up to three years in jail and a fine of 75,000 euros, or about $90,000. The law is meant to apply to both sexes, but the drafters were particularly concerned about the abuse of women. The two legislators say a woman dies every 2.2 days in France because of domestic violence, which understood broadly affects 10 percent of women ages 18 to 60. Ms. Bousquet said that in couples, 90 percent of the victims were women.

The law defines mental violence as “repeated acts that could be constituted by words,” including insults or repeated text messages that “degrade one’s quality of life and cause a change to one’s mental or physical state.”

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