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Babies in Cars « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Babies in Cars

June 25, 2010


FROM an Associated Press article today about the unusually high number of young children (18 altogether) who have died so far this year after they were left or trapped in cars:

Safety groups such as Kids and Cars and Safe Kids USA urge parents to check the back seat every time they exit the vehicle and to create a reminder system for themselves.

Some parents leave their cell phone or purse on the floor near the car seat to ensure they retrieve it along with the child. Others remind themselves by placing a stuffed animal in the car seat when the child isn’t using the seat and putting the toy in the front seat when the child is tucked in the car seat.

Imagine being so distracted and busy, so detached from your child, that you have to place a stuffed animal in the car to remind you he is there.


                                   — Comments —

Kathleen writes:

I cannot imagine forgetting my Labrador, much less my child in my car! I wonder what kind of legal repercussions these”parents” face? I truly believe that once someone shows such extreme neglect, they should be banned from having more babies. They probably shouldn’t own pets, either.

Laura writes:

In a previous post on this subject, there is a link to a Washington Post article which looks at some of the legal cases against parents. Given that this often involves forgetfulness and exhaustion, it seems criminal charges typically don’t make sense.

Lydia Sherman writes:

Back in April, after observing mothers taking their children to the car, and leaving them alone while they walked back to another part of the parking lot to chat with friends, I wrote this. I emphasized that, when you have children, every single move you make in regard to cars, has to be calculated, from what you are going to do first, to what you are going to do last. If we care about our children more than our own convenience, we will be circumspect in everything.

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