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Conspicuous Fatherhood « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Conspicuous Fatherhood

June 3, 2010


BRITISH PRIME MINISTER David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg recently delayed cabinet meetings so they could take their children to school. They say they will be doing more of the same in the future. Cameron will be taking paternity leave when his wife gives birth in September and Clegg may have more serious responsibilities as his wife is a top lawyer and reportedly the main breadwinner in the family. According to The Daily Mail,

Cabinet meetings will be moved to ‘flexible times’ so the two fathers running Britain can take their children to school.

… Mr Clegg said this was symbolic of the ‘new politics’ and added that he tries to finish early a few times a week so he can put his children to bed too.

The attentive father is a worthy ideal and men who take the time to be with their children will always be loved by their offspring, but these men are hypothetically fathers of a nation. They are the top officials of a country that is falling apart. Perhaps their children will be grateful someday if they secure the future of their nation while someone else – maybe their mother – takes them to school.

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