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Fathers are Obsolete « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fathers are Obsolete

June 14, 2010

AS IF its piece “The End of Men” didn’t get the point across, The Atlantic also has an article this month on the superfluous father. Pamela Paul writes about the lesbian mother, who turns about to be the long-awaited maternal and paternal ideal. Paul writes:

The quality of parenting … is what really matters, not gender. But the real challenge to our notion of the “essential” father might well be the lesbian mom. On average, lesbian parents spend more time with their children than fathers do. They rate disputes with their children as less frequent than do hetero couples, and describe co-parenting more compatibly and with greater satisfaction. Their kids perceive their parents to be more available and dependable than do the children of heteros. They also discuss more emotional issues with their parents. They have fewer behavioral problems, and show more interest in and try harder at school. 


Our intellectual luminaries have been laying the groundwork for matriarchy for a long time despite the misery of the average woman. There is no effort to disguise it anymore.


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