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Keep This Blog Alive « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Keep This Blog Alive

June 11, 2010


Scheherazade told tales to prevent her head from being chopped off.

IF YOU value this blog and would like to see it survive in the competitive, dog-eat-dog world of the Internet,  please offer a donation, perhaps what you would pay for a modestly-priced subscription to a magazine.  I have an endless list of articles and entries I would like to post, including further installments in the Famous Couples series and The Thinking Housewife Book Club, as well as entries on a host of subjects that are of interest to traditionalists. I would like to add new features and possibly audio interviews. Unfortunately, the future of this site is in serious jeopardy. The problem with ideas and the written word is that they often have the appearance of effortlessness. Like lilies in the field or clouds in the sky, they seem like things that should be free. I do not wish to put advertising on this site or to introduce paid forums. The focus here is on ideas and engaging diversions. It’s a gamble, but with 18,000 readers last month, a large number for a one-person site that started little more than a year ago, it seems like a reasonable one.  The demise of this blog would not be the end of the world for you or for me. Not at all. But I like to think you would not easily find a replacement for it. Thank you to those who have already given.

By the way, if you have not read, Crusoe Speaks, the first installment in my series A Tale of Eternal Thoughts, I hope you will. In Paradise, we will stroll through the avenues of thought at no cost at all.

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