Liturgical Fashion Today
June 19, 2010
KATHARINE JEFFERTS SCHORI, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (appearing second to left in this photo), has unerring fashion sense. Particularly fine examples of Schori-wear, which has elevated liturgical garb in America to new heights, can be seen at Bad Vestments, a hilarious website dedicated to “subjecting particularly awful Christian liturgical vestments to the ridicule they so richly deserve.” Here is Schori in what the dry-witted author of the site calls an oven mitt.
— Comments —
Lisa writes:
“Here is Schori in what the dry-witted author of the site calls an oven mitt.”
How appropriate: “all the colors of the rainbow.”
Laura writes:
Seems more like a quilted barbecue mitt to me, and a very becoming one too.