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Living in a Parking Lot « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Living in a Parking Lot

June 29, 2010


KEVIN FRY, of Scenic America, laments the eye-blistering ugliness of America in this video, which is three years old but as fresh as when it was first made:

“There’s not a single chance to interact with another human being when coming to this environment,” he says, referring to a large box store. “There’s a difference … between building a place for cars and a place for people.”

But perhaps H.L. Mencken was right when he said Americans have a lust for ugliness. Maybe they actually like it. I only know that being a housewife in America means consigning oneself to retail purgatory, to hours in sterile and soulless aisles and parking lots that are as charmless as the surface of the moon.

My favorite line of Fry’s is: “There’s no serendipity anymore.”  


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