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School and the Enemy Within « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

School and the Enemy Within

June 23, 2010


LYDIA SHERMAN urges Southerners to take their children out of public shools. She writes:

The question is often asked, “How can we help the South to rise again? Where are our Southern folk, ready to take a stand; ready to guide the South back to the old paths, where the good way is?” The answer is: they are in their cribs, talking baby talk, waiting for Southern mothers to teach them the right ways. That will never be accomplished until we get our children out of the public schools. Even if public schools were to suddenly become “good,” they are not safe places for our children. We need to shelter them and teach them ourselves, so that they will grow in the right direction. Farming them out to someone else will not make a great nation.

Read the following quote from “A Nation at Risk,” published in 1983:

If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.

Southern[er]s are over-looking the very place in which their problem lies. There is a foreign nation in our midst, a forgotten nation, that is undermining our history, and controlling the outcome of the next generation. Each year, the public school graduates thousands of new voters, who have been taught a false view of history and a false view of government. They will become the lawyers and the judges, change agents of the government, who make it intolerable for Christians to practice their faith. The public schools are the enemy within.

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