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Thanks from a ‘Quasi-Housewife’ « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Thanks from a ‘Quasi-Housewife’

June 9, 2010



Please accept my heartfelt thanks in doing this blog. I am a quasi-housewife. Meaning, I was a housewife up until the point that I returned to being a part-time teacher so my husband could finish grad school. We both have plans of me being an all-the-time housewife in the future. Nevertheless, even with me outside of the home I live by and uphold the principles that many of the readers of your blog do.  Humanities and Art History were my majors in college and I can tell you that your site and it’s beautiful literary posts fill a passion in my soul quite like “Masterpiece Theatre” on PBS does, or the old Gothic and Romantic period novels do. It has been such a pleasure reading the blog, daily. I try and get it in before my little one is up and ready to go. Your blog has helped countless family members and friends of mine to realize what the true “feminine” and “masculine” roles are for men and women, improving relationships for those that hear and read what has been posted. Most of all, it has made an impact on my little brother, whom when my mother died she was concerned about the kind of man he would be for his wife. He is a witty, handsome and I guess you could say, fatherless young man in his twenties. My father insists on giving him inappropriate advice on how to be a “man” which coincidentally happens to be exactly the opposite of what a true man really is. With this blog and the dear Lord, he has gained the confidence to turn his life and love around in the sinful and emasculating city of Los Angeles and begin to influence those around him to live the good life, the way that God intended.

So with this, I would like to give my deepest thanks. You have talent beyond your humble knowing. Please continue this blog. My husband and I will be supporting your site when it is possible for us to donate.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

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