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The Other World of Donor Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Other World of Donor Children

June 22, 2010


THE TRUTH about the experiences of individuals conceived with donated sperm is finally being told, as if common sense were not enough. Karen Clark and Elizabeth Marquardt write:

Listening to the stories of donor-conceived adults, you begin to realize there’s really no such thing as a “donor.” Every child has a biological father. To claim otherwise is simply to compound the pain, first as these young people struggle with the original, deliberate loss of their biological father, and second as they do so within a culture that insists some guy who went into a room with a dirty magazine isn’t a father. At most the children are told he’s a “seed provider” or “the nice guy who gave me what I needed to have you” or the “Y Guy” or any number of other cute euphemisms that signal powerfully to children that this man should be of little, if any, importance to them.

Elizabeth Marquardt, by the way, is the author of one of the best books about divorce, The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce.

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