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What Will Their Son Think? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Will Their Son Think?

June 25, 2010




                                                           — Comments —

Jill F. writes:

I, for one, am glad to see Planned Parenthood showing its true colors. The American public has been duped into thinking that Planned Parenthood is all about making “every child a wanted child” …after all, it sounds so right, doesn’t it? I hope the poster of two lesbians excited about an artificial insemination will wake folks up.

When I was a junior in high school in the ’70s, my mother sent me to Planned Parenthood’s “Human Sexuality” class. If you have a Planned Parenthood in your neighborhood that has not yet opened a medical clinic, you may think you are safe from abortions in your neck of the  woods but nothing could be further from the truth. PP uses their “educational” classes to influence young people at the very root of their being. I was shown videos of every sex act known to man (quite a number of them without men and several with animals) and I was told over and over, “It isn’t wrong if it makes you feel good”.

The classes were taught to a mixed class of young men and women in order to lower our natural modesty and revulsion to discuss such personal issues with the opposite sex. Here is another mantra I heard at every class, “Abortion is just like getting a mole removed” (!!??). Excuse me? I have since counseled post-aborted women and, let me tell you, it is NOT just like getting a mole removed! These women will be deeply affected by their abortions for the rest of their lives whether they acknowledge the cause of their distress or not.

A girl who attended the class who was the teacher’s pet was a beautiful 16 year old who had had six abortions while living with her biker boyfriend! She was lauded as a girl who knew true freedom.I wonder where she is now and what her life is like. So sad. At the end of every class period a bowl of condoms was passed around  with much joking and laughing and “joy” and we were urged to take as many as we liked. PP promotes its dark propaganda to some surprising venues; one of which is Girl Scouts of America. I was a young adult volunteering at a camp when a PP representative explained  to a group of  12 and 13 year olds what sex feels like with her boyfriend. This happens all over America.

Abortions are a very very lucrative business. Don’t buy the story that those who promote it are “helping” deliver women from poverty and unwanted children. They wouldn’t be eager to “help” if it didn’t make them very very rich. PP also receives a lot of federal money. PP has promoted deviant, sinful sexual behavior from the very beginning of its bloody history. Read the book Killer Angel by George Grant and shudder.

Laura writes:

I imagine their artificial insemination services are lucrative too. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit, but that doesn’t mean it is free from profit motives. It plows its earnings back into jobs, nicer facilities and higher salaries. We all help subsidize Planned Parenthood through federal grants and its non-profit status.

Lawrence Auster writes:

What a sick world. The only proper response to this is Genesis 19: a society that normalizes such perversions deserves to be destroyed.

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