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What Women Never Hear « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Women Never Hear

June 11, 2010


IF YOU have not tuned in to Guy Sr. over at What Women Never Hear recently, you may be interested in his latest efforts to educate the masses about sex differences. He offers a new list. I am confused by the first item on the list, but much of the rest makes sense. Here it is:

  1. Natural self-interest motivates everyone. Men see it as individual authority to act. Women have difficulty separating self-interest from selfishness.
  2. Men honor courage. Women honor compassion.
  3. Women understand what men say and do, but they don’t like it. Men don’t understand what women say and do, but they accept it until they’re suckered.
  4. Men go more for full disclosure in apparel than person. Women go more for full disclosure in person than apparel.
  5. Women have an instinct-driven sense of what transpires beneath the surface of interpersonal relations. Men don’t.
  6. Women have a natural and strongly motivating sense of guilt. A man’s sense of guilt is primarily the result of early childhood teaching.
  7. Women relieve guilt by making amends. Men relieve guilt through escape or forgetfulness.
  8. A woman scorned tends to be vicious and vengeful. A man scorned turns his attention to someone else. 


                         — Comments —

Gwen writes:

Great list and good idea, Guy Sr.! Keep it simple – no need to learn about someone when you can just make an assumption based on gender. Although you have created a problem for me and my husband…

Laura writes:

Sex differences matter, but they’re not all. I think anyone over five realizes that.

I would change the wording of No. 1 and No. 2, but I’d have to think about it more.

Karen I. writes:

I went to the What Women Never Hear site and the latest post is a very touching piece by Mrs. Guy, describing how she coped with the death of one of their children at the age of 30. It is excellent advice for anyone facing a very difficult time. The way she talks about getting dressed and going about her day, leaning on God and her family, is truly inspiring. I recommend your readers take a look at the post. I think Mrs. Guy is at least as good a writer as her husband.

Lisa writes:

Guy Sr. said: Natural self-interest motivates everyone. Men see it as individual authority to act. Women have difficulty separating self-interest from selfishness.

Yes, this is so true. Sometimes women think that they have a legitimate self-interest concerning something or another, when it is actually selfishness. On the other hand, women often neglect a legitimate self interest, wrongly and guiltily feeling that it is just selfishness.

Lisa adds:

Here is another interesting simplification of sex differences.

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