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Would I Have to Wear a Kerchief? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Would I Have to Wear a Kerchief?

June 3, 2010



The solution to Elise’s problem seems obvious to me. You should add a matchmaking section to your website. I would love to find a woman who likes your website and wants to be a traditional housewife. Heck, Elise herself sounds fantastic, except that I’m eighteen years older than she is. There must be lots of scattered traditionalists who read your blog. Think of it as a way of multiplying your readership! Of course, there would be a certain delay. :-)

Laura writes:

The thought has occurred to me. The problem is, would there be liability issues?

I will say that my recent fundraising campaign is prompted by both need and exhaustion. I’m about ready to sell my female readers to my male readers. : -)

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