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The Beauty of Self-Mortification « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Beauty of Self-Mortification

July 23, 2010


JOHN writes:

Christian men who are struggling against sexual sin should try real live old-fashioned corporal mortification. Intentionally and prayerfully do something really painful, offer the suffering to Jesus in union with His suffering on the cross and ask Him to use the pain to burn away all the self-inflicted corruption and wash the soul clean. The sin was against one’s own body (1 Cor 6:18), the atonement should be too. Sexual sin throws away self-control for physical pleasure; voluntary, self-inflicted physical pain for the purpose of penance restores self-control, purifies the body and strengthens the mind.

Daniel Mitsui

Daniel Mitsui

                                              — Comments —

Y. writes:

Fasting is what first comes to mind. I knew someone who tried for years to stop smoking and was never successful at it. He was led to do a seven-day fast and that finally broke the bondage.

Laura writes:

Fasting is an excellent choice. Physical mortification is indispensible to both men and women in controlling desire and refining the spiritual life. 

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