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Where There’s Abortion, There’s Fatherlessness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Where There’s Abortion, There’s Fatherlessness

July 2, 2010



Forty years ago today, New York became the first state in the US where abortion was broadly legal. Since then, New York City has become the nation’s undisputed abortion capital, with an overwhelmingly pro-choice political establishment — and an abortion rate that’s three times the national average.

And a stifling taboo on the subject that chokes off any mature discussion about what such a rate means for the public welfare.

The decline in fatherhood in New York City, as elsewhere, parallels the rise in abortion. As the Post’s John Wilson states:

Thus, an honest discussion would at least entertain the possibility that the easy availability of subsidized abortion weakens the cultural expectation that young men must take responsibility for their offspring.

Instead, New York’s response to the problem of absentee fathers consists entirely of nanny-state facelifts — i.e., Mayor Bloomberg’s just-announced position of Fatherhood Services Coordinator, or “Daddy Czar.”


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