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Come Holy Spirit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Come Holy Spirit

August 21, 2010


KATHLENE M. writes:

As I read the comments on “Christianity Lite” and “Asher’s Dilemma,” I thought I’d pass on something I stumbled upon at the “Quo Vadis” website called “Nine Days That Changed the World — Come Holy Spirit and Restore America.”  It’s about how when Christians came together in prayer in Poland during Pope John Paul’s visit, their prayers and faith helped usher in an end to Communism.  

“Pope John Paul II’s visit to Poland strengthened the faith of his countrymen, unified the country and emboldened them to take on the corrupt communistic regime. Once the Polish people came together in prayer, Poland was a changed country and the days of Communism were numbered.” 
Now your atheist readers will scoff at this, and other readers may think this is too simplistic or too “Catholic.”   But for those readers who are Christians I think they will understand how important prayer is in transforming our individual lives and by extension the culture.  Personally I have experienced transformation in my own life through prayer. 
The entire article is very uplifting, such as these inspiring words: 
“One of the significant crossroads depicted in the Nine Days movie was when the Polish people came together to hear Pope John Paul II speak and they suddenly realized that they greatly outnumbered their opponents, the atheistic communists. This realization was a turning point for the Polish people who realized that not only did they not need to be afraid but that it was the communist leaders who should be afraid. In so doing, the people of Poland embraced one of Pope John Paul II’s most well known spiritual prescriptions that people of faith “Be Not Afraid”.”
“Make no mistake, the task ahead of those who would seek to restore America is daunting indeed. We are witnessing an accelerating attack on America’s moral, economic and political foundations that is unprecedented. And we did not get here overnight. But the hour is late because a democracy which embraces moral relativism and rejects traditional values like faith in God, traditional marriage and respect for life is living on borrowed time.”

“There is a strong feeling of unease and discontent which is percolating among Americans. More and more of us are awakening from our slumber and are committing to take bold action to recapture America. It is imperative that the Christian community close ranks in solidarity and “be not afraid” to confront and oppose the elite ruling class who would continue to lead America down the slippery slope we have traveled for some time now. We need to take heart in scripture which tells us that “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me”. Philippians 4:13″

“In this grave time for America, the effort to restore America must begin with Christians getting down on their knees and fervently praying for God’s blessing in the battle that is being waged for America. We would do well to follow Pope John Paul II’s example of invoking the Holy Spirit to save his homeland of Poland. A good starting point would be for all Christians to pray unceasingly “Come Holy Spirit and Restore America.’ It worked in Poland and it will work again in America if we follow the example of our faithful Polish brothers and sisters in Christ.”

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