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First Lady Fashion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

First Lady Fashion

August 8, 2010




As you know, I am not a fan of Michelle, both as a personality or as a fashion (non) icon. I don’t see what the stylists or the public see in her.

What an odd top. A variation on the “off-the-shoulder” shirt? I also think she should wear skirts and dresses more (although she does seem to like them too clingy), since she really doesn’t have the body to pull off the kinds of pants she wears. And I won’t go into the bracelets (an over-abundant mish-mash, to start it off…). I don’t mean to be catty, but I think that is how women see each other. The kinder ones (perhaps only a sister can get away with it) tell each other what they should avoid. Someone like Michelle has expensive stylists at her side, who are paid to diplomatically influence her in the right direction. Either they are no good, or she just doesn’t listen. A combination of both, I would think.

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