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I am Saved When I am Lost « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

I am Saved When I am Lost

August 13, 2010


IN THIS entry, Alan Roebuck writes:

We need conservative evangelism, which delivers the bad news that people are lost and society is crumbling because of the false and destructive system of liberalism, along with the good news that liberalism is false, that human life does make sense, and that there is a better system in which the individual can participate.

We are calling people like Asher to repent. This does not mean “instantaneously stop thinking and acting like a lost liberal.” As the Greek word of which the New Testament word “repent” is a translation (“metanoia”), repenting of liberalism means to acknowledge that one has oriented his mind and soul toward a false and evil system and to turn one’s inner orientation away from liberalism and toward conservative truths.

And by calling on him to repent we are not superciliously condemning him. We are calling on him to get saved.

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