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Men are the Best Bosses « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Men are the Best Bosses

August 15, 2010


IN A SURVEY of 3,000 employees in Britain, 63 percent of the women and 75 percent of the men agreed that men make the better workplace bosses. Given the climate of liberal indoctrination, and how much women ostensibly have to lose from admitting they prefer male bosses, these numbers are striking. Other surveys have come up with similar results, as is mentioned in Steve Moxon’s book The Woman Racket.

There are good women bosses, of course, but overall women take office politics more personally; they are less straight-forward than men and more emotional. They tend to find decision making and authoritative action stressful, which is why some become raging shrews in positions of command. This is natural. Women are pacifists, not warriors. The interpersonal approach of women generally does not lend itself to leadership. Women are made to nurture, not command.

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