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On Mosques and Strollers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On Mosques and Strollers

August 23, 2010


UNDER the tag of “bigotry,” a student at Yale has written a column at The Huffington Post about the discussion here over the offer of a stroller by lesbian neighbors. Leah Anthony Libresco correctly states that I believe the “act of being openly and visibly lesbian is an offense against the feelings of others.” She (or he?) compares this to the prejudice of opponents to the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. The piece also appeared in Islamophobia Today.

The link between the two subjects is not as absurd as it sounds. Both radical homosexuality and Islam are avowed enemies of Western culture.

                                           — Comments —

John E. writes:

The writer of the opinion at HuffPo says, “There’s nothing these lesbians could do that would mitigate the harm that the letter-writer feels is done by their very existence.” 

I was going to say that this statement reflects a failure to pick up on nuance, but nuance involves the perception of subtleties. I think a better description would be philistine.

James P. writes:

“Both radical homosexuality and Islam are avowed enemies of Western culture.”

Ironically, Islam is an avowed enemy of homosexuality, and yet many homosexuals appear to regard Western culture as more dangerous and threatening than Islam.

Laura writes:

Yes, of course. I should have mentioned this very obvious irony. In one breath, she defends an ideology that supports the execution of homosexuals and in the next breath she equates the polite rejection of a baby stroller to execution. 

Josh F. writes:

It would be short-sighted to believe that Islam and homosexuality were somehow antithetical when there is much evidence of their collusion as  they both share a radically autonomous vision. For there is a  distinction without a difference between the homosexual atheist and  the jihadist worshipper of an autonomous god. And because homosexuals  are fundamentally self-annihilators as are devout jihadists (seek  martyrdom thru suicide), we can see that their supposed aversion to each other is largely propaganda. When a Muslim kills a homosexual, both are experiencing degrees of radical autonomy. The homosexual self-annihilates (if you knew that an act was instant death would you act that way) and the Muslim can act irrationally (kill a fellow radical autonomist thereby exposing the evil nature of radical autonomy).

We will continue to see the “evolution” of the radically autonomous “relationship” between homosexuals and Muslims. There was quite a discussion at VFR about “man”-boy rape in Afghanistan and its  toleration. Both the homosexual and jihadist movements are  fundamentally liberationist movements. And both have as their most “unequal” relation, the relationship with traditional God-fearing Western Man.

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