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Photos, At Last!!!! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Photos, At Last!!!!

August 12, 2010




LAWRENCE AUSTER makes disrespectful remarks about the recent wedding of Rush Limbaugh and his third, I mean, fourth wife. The photos have finally been released (Congrats, Rush!!! Congrats, Kathryn!!!!) and they depict the sort of soulful and triumphal celebration of conjugal love one might expect from someone who likes marriage so much he tries it four times. (Congrats, Rush!!! Congrats, Kathryn!!!!)  Only a grump would deny this lovely couple their day. I particularly liked the modest floral arrangements, reminiscent of Rome at its height of decay, and was moved by the solemnity of the guests and the preacher, which bodes well for this sacred match and the perpetuation of family values in America.

                                                           — Comments —

Elizabeth Wright writes:

Surely, you jest.  Limbaugh and others like him make a greater mockery of marriage than the homosexuals who claim to be “married.” When you have broken your marriage vows THREE times, and then engage on a FOURTH round, you are spitting in the face of that institution.

After undergoing this ceremony THREE times before, how could anyone look upon yet another white-gowned woman and repeat those words all over again?  Auster is right in saying that such people should just respectfully have a quiet ceremony and let it go at that.  But the YOUNG wife wants her day, doesn’t she?  Even though she has to resort to a multiple married man, she won’t be denied the extravaganza.  Will he deny the FIFTH wife her Special Day, or will that ceremony be the quiet one?

It is discouraging to realize that the very people who celebrate this travesty would be spewing vile epithets, if this were the FOURTH marriage for Al Gore, or John Kerry, or Bill Clinton, or any number of other members of the degenerate, lewd Left.

Laura writes:

Yes, of course I was joking. This spectacle is sickening.

Elizabeth writes:

You know, I really wasn’t certain that you were making a funny. I re-read your comments a couple of times, and the “Congrats” confused me. I should have known better.

Laura writes:

Look at the comments here and it all boils down to “Congrats! Congrats!” from Rush fans.


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