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Single Motherhood « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Single Motherhood

August 13, 2010


THE discussion about whether a bachelor should marry a single mother continues in several of the foregoing entries. In this entry, I write something which I have stated before and that is important to keep in mind regarding illegitimacy.  Unwed mothers in a healthy society do not receive any financial support from the government, and that is the way it should be in our world. No woman who has had a child without marrying should be supported by the government, and her children should not be supported by the government.  Unwed mothers also should not be entitled to government-mandated child support from men to whom they are not married.


Randy B. writes:

I believe the qualification for the argument is “in a healthy society.” Otherwise we as humans and in many cases Christians are immediately and reflexively sucked into the liberal mindset of “it’s for the children.” “It’s for the children” is a euphemism for I’m not getting my way, so I will use the poor defenseless suffering children as a tool to pull at your heartstrings, and detract from the actual agenda. As a young man I wanted my relationship, and life with any woman I might consider as a potential mate, to be about us and not the history of her (however derived) failed history. Hopefully that’s not too harsh a view, but it is at least honest. I don’t want a portion of my (our) income to go to court fees, or judgments. I am honestly not interested in the Honeymoon of which I was not a part, but have to stand in comparison too. At least right out of the gate I am not concerned, nor do I care about Johnnies 2nd grade recital, as I have no historic association, or emotional bond to the event. I don’t need the drunken abuser (pick the bad scenario) showing up on OUR doorstep at 2 am after his parole and all day drunken bender, threatening to kill me and yet again beat the woman who is now my wife. 

What I don’t believe we are talking about is the widowed WWII vets wife, who is in her current situation through no fault of her own, and who has 1940’s ethics, sensibilities, and values. I don’t live outside of my world and experiences, but when I think of today’s single moms, I instantly turn to the Oprah (waste of skin socialist anti-religion apologist) and her ilk. I think of the woman who is either working countless hours per day/week and is desperate for help, not only financially, but in rearing her children. I think of the bar trolls I saw throughout my time in the military, while chasing down AWOL USAF and USN enlisted, with the I’ll do anything for a man mentality, and the last thing on her mind is her kids who are at home hoping mom comes home soon. Yes, this is judgmental, but if I can’t be responsible to myself first, how could I ever be a benefit to a single mom, regardless how she ended up that way. 

In a Healthy Society!

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